Declan IOM 14


Isle Of Ma UK   Jan 2016

Artist Bio

Influences:   Psyche, pop, indie, punk, new wave, soul, electronica, jazz, folk, country, jazz...although these are just labels.

Trying to recreate the greats without sufficient resources, aptitude or dedication in the hope of discovering art and amusement in the gap between success and failure.


Instruments: Various Korgs, a casio organ I got from saving coupons from cigarette packs in the 1990s, 70's electric organ, Teenage Engineering gizmos, other gadgets, IOS aps, Jaguar copy, blues guitar, Kalimba, some FX pedals, kazoo, harmonica, various percussion things.

None of which I can play.


upper 6th FAWM

Preferred pronouns: he, his, him.

Please note the rock hands next to my user name only indicate that I donated to FAWM, they don't represent me or my music, in any other way.


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  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Thx for dropping by and having an earful.

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    My haunted toyshop lyric was actually more like 20 mins :( because I had one 3/4 completed and 35 mins in I deleted the lot by accident. 3rd time it's happened this FAWM in skirmishes. I am hitting the wrong hot key combo, it seems the delete hot keys on my writing prog are right next to the rhyme list ones :(

  • @nateger  Feb 2022

    Just sent you the exquisite corpse stuff!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Here's my one minute for corpse segment, I thought I sent an email, but I'm also an idiot most day :D

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Just listened to your epic submitted for the Traditional Ballad challenge. Wow. It's so theatrical or cinematic. I can imagine a cartoon accompaniment for this tale.

    If you revisit this, I'd tone down the reverb/echo, which tends to distort too much at points. The story really draws your audience in, but the overdone echo ensures that they will have to follow the story with the lyrics to hand at points.

    I take it from your name and accent that, like me, you're an Irish Scouser by birth, are you?

  • @declan  Feb 2022

    Hi guys happy new FAWM

    I'm not posting this to FAWM as I only did the vocal and final mix in February. But...

    If you have time feedback would be welcome. (It's quite long so getting friends to listen has been hard.