debwandererandio 3


Wandering US   Feb 2007  

Artist Bio

Been snoozing.
Retired nomad living in a bus down by a river, all the rivers. Picture below is my actual location right now.


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  • @debrandio Mar 2022

    Bye FAWM see you next year!

  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    Thank you again!

  • @chriddof Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! I have been going in a more approachable direction for the most part in recent times, although my latest one here is very very very un-commercial. It's just a one-off, however!

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Ah yeah Dexter :D - we went to the same school, but he was a few yrs younger. Still plays around all the time.

  • @frenchcricket  Feb 2022

    Being compared to the Carpenters is a huge compliment thank you!

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to Walk Outside. I gotta say - I think chorus line dancers would be good on *every* song! :D

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    It's been a while! Glad to see (and hear) you again! How are you, wanderer?