daveyboy103 27


SG8 6RF UK   Feb 2021


Artist Bio

Influences:   Bowie, The Jam, Sex Pistols, Thin Lizzy, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Doors, Dylan

David G Harrington


You Tube channel is The Weirdest Thing, I have been a member since 2017.

Band Spotify link:


A native Irishman who has lived in the Uk for 34 years.

Been doing this since I was 15 years old, love music like I love life.

I play all the instruments on the songs but am a bass player as my primary tool. The rest I muddle along with.

Not the greatest singer in the world and where I can I press my friend Mick Gardner to sing for me. Absolutely open to collaboration with vocalists s anyone who fancies singing one of my song please hit me with a message.

I live to collaborate, I can add arrangements to guitar or piano songs, play bass, write music for lyrics I find interesting and happy to
master recordings if you want to add some sparkle.

Songs (27)

#1 G. B Stuff 9
Feb 2022
#2 Come on back to me @cindyrella  22
Feb 2022
#3 Ring The Bell @billwhite51 13
Feb 2022
#4 Red Car @resonut123 11
Feb 2022
#5 Running @kahlo2013  13
Feb 2022
#6 What Do You Remember? @kristi  10
Feb 2022
#7 The Truth @geoff61 8
Feb 2022
#8 Feels Real @littlespiral 10
Feb 2022
#9 Permanent Solution @cindyrella  12
Feb 2022
#10 I Saw Their Lips Move (Follow the Money) @billwhite51 11
Feb 2022
#11 A World of Quiet Beauty @crisp1  15
Feb 2022
#12 It's About Time @sheslin  13
Feb 2022
#13 Not a Fantasy @kahlo2013  6
Feb 2022
#14 Get Home To You @lyricslinger  8
Feb 2022
#15 Driftwood (Full Length Version) @leakyplusme2 5
Feb 2022
#16 Driftwood (Radio Edit) @leakyplusme2 3
Feb 2022
#17 Drilling Holes 8
Feb 2022
#18 Someone Like You 3
Feb 2022
#19 Ten Times a Day 11
Feb 2022
#20 Back in the Day 5
Feb 2022
#21 Let That Be Enough @kahlo2013  8
Feb 2022
#22 Someone Like You (STUDIO VIDEO) 5
Feb 2022
#23 It's About Time (with Words) @sheslin  7
Feb 2022
#24 Saturday 9th 5
Feb 2022
#25 Something You Cannot Deny 2
Feb 2022
#26 String Scratch 2
Feb 2022
#27 The Dust of a Broken Dream @kenmattsson  7
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Sure!! Sounds fun--let's do it! I really enjoyed your collab, A World of Quiet Beauty, with Doug. Thank you!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    So interesting to listen to your interview with @coolparadiso . These are exactly the thoughts I have when I write music. I don't see myself as performer and never will, so I don't care about how I sound. My stuff here are just demos showing my vision. I care more about finding the right people, arranging and producing my song in a way that makes all shine. This is the strength I can only show after FAWM :(

  • @dannen Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening to my song, Joyful, I was seeing a dance troop routine set to this music. Great minds think alike!

  • @crisp1  Mar 2022

    Congratulations on your double win! And thanks once again for A World of Quiet Beauty -- I'm still marveling at how you took all those words and turned them into such a cool song. Cheers!

  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Dear Dave! Thanks again for the collaborations, comments, and wonderful music! Love your work and am always honored and humbled by the opportunity to work with you! Hope to see you in 50/90!

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Mar 2022

    Thanks davy, for your Yee Ha! on El Rancho Grande.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Surprise! It's posted!

  • @taracraig  Feb 2022

    You’ve been added as a collaborator. Feel free to post it if you have a chance before I do.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    David, I might be able to do the voice recording today for that song. If I do, do you want me to post it here, or just send back to you?

  • @taracraig  Feb 2022

    Hello! I am so late getting back to you about adding bass, my apologies. I emailed you a wav file. If you have a chance to get to it sweet!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Davey, I sent you a message asking for the lyrics for that song from last year. I now have figured out how to sing a track over it, but I don't have the lyrics, and want to sing them right. Could you send them to me?

  • @lyricslinger  Feb 2022

    Thanks. Done. :)

  • @analogj Feb 2022

    Thanks, David. I'm glad you liked Average Joe, The White Bread Song! :-D

  • @twyllodrus Feb 2022

    WOW thanks for the comment. We're massive fans of Kraftwerk

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Groundhog Day'!

  • @povosos  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment

  • @lishie5000 Feb 2022

    tis an honor to put a wee bit of the fear of god into my listeners and peers :D
    many thanks!

  • @sheslin  Feb 2022

    Great! Send me the link at [email protected] when time allows. Thanks!

  • @sheslin  Feb 2022

    Hey Dave - I contacted you about writing to your cool instrumental track It’s About Time. You replied to go for it, and I think I missed your message. I see now you have an added an edit that you like it the way it is. I agree for sure, but I would still like to give it a try if you are willing. To do so I will need the MP3 unless there is a way to grab it in SoundCloud. My email address is linked to my profile. Thanks, and I hope you are still open to it. I wish I could play guitar and produce tracks like you do!

  • @mctown Feb 2022

    All good.... roll on, Davey.

  • @mctown Feb 2022

    Looks like you are rolling....David McTown

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the beautiful song. I totally love it! Perfect! There were a couple of other people who asked if they could do a version, I told them it was up to you. Thoughts?

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    That would be great! Thanks!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Oh mate, if it’s within travelling distance I’m there! :)

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Thanks Davey. I for the first time was able to bring in someone else's music into my DAW and add my own vocals onto it. I just didn't know how to start and was just overwhelmed by it before. I swear I will add those vocals now onto the song you sent me. I just needed some technological help to do it.

    Singing is easy, DAW's aren't. :-)

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    im being satirical in hopes to find somene who can do a funny song with a heavy heart. like when tom jones did delilah.

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    daveyboy103. Thanks for the comments on Ghost of a Chance. I agree with you that @Gwyn1234 did a beautiful job on that one. Thank you for taking the time to listen! I hope you and I can find a song that works. It was fun to do When We're Good. I still play that one all the time!

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    You can have my cat if you like i will throw him in the ocean and he can swim to the UK from Australia i'm sure the ocean will part for him as he thinks he is God.

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Ha! Thanks for busting my Zong. And it takes a crazy guy to know a crazy girl

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I've sent you some info via mail. Have a nice weekend!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks a lot for your comment on "Pedal to metal". I'm happy that you enjoyed my song and that you're interested in recording.
    Can you please specify the instruments / roles you want to have in the project? I read in your profile, that you're mainly guitarist and bassist, but you ask me for backing without drums. You're also a drummer or do you want to program?!
    Can you please check if the mail adress you gave me is correct?! Guess you got a typo.

  • @lyricslinger  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Dave. No rush

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks. It changed to the title when I posted it.

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Congrats on the win and thanks for the comment about the pic. I can't take credit for it though...the photographer REALLY made me look good!

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Yes please do, recording eh that is great

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Are you gigging anywhere anytime soon?

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Thanks Dave, been fun so far this FAWM right? Must meet up sometime now things are normalising here :-)

  • @hurryak Feb 2022

    Hi there! Thanks for the kind feedback and the generous offer to collaborate. I appreciate it! I had already arranged to work on this song with a buddy of mine, but truly, thank you. Perhaps i'll hit you up for another project in the future. Happy FAWMing!

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Wow, man! You are blazing along with no looking back! Oh, to be so prolific and focused.

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    Yes David you can have a go at "Driftwood"

  • @mal  Feb 2022

    Now that you've pointed out the spaghetti western feel, it's all I can hear. : D

    I haven't explored much of bandlab apart from the composition and recording bits, but I'll have a look at the mastering tool. Thank you for recommending it.

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thanks you. :)

  • @povosos  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on "Inside my head". On last years album, with equally dark atmosphere, one of my friends said "very good, but I guess I'm doing too well in my life to enjoy this" Xd

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Hah! I wrote the beholder stuff before I read that you had the same observation. And yes I almost wrote AWB but held back because that would actually have been a bit funky ;) Keep it up!

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Funk is in the eye of the beholder ;) ;) Thanks for listening and your comments!

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    Re.: I Like 'Em Like That. Thank you. I'd love to hear a glam rock version. Or any version. Glad you liked it.

  • @mctown Feb 2022

    Wow...you been rolling them out. Onward. DG

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    You’d be one of the first!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    will do mate - hey i see a collab with crisp

  • @vaughan Feb 2022

    Which songs are you wanting lyrics for?

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @crisp1  Feb 2022

    Well, it was so wordy that I worried whether anyone would take it, and then I worried that it would just be hard to set properly. But from the opening notes and then when I heard you singing, I said to myself, "Damn, he nailed it!" Thanks again!

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    you did aj evcellent job on the final mix. everything sounds terrific and blends well. repeating the final line was a smart move. working with you is challenging and rewarding, and a lot of fun

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listens and comments on my week 1 challenge and rock opera songs!

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    Your are a force..!

  • @crisp1  Feb 2022

    Thanks for that, David. Quick turnaround, yet incredible quality in the music and production and so right on for the words. Color me awed!

  • @crisp1  Feb 2022

    A World of Quiet Beauty is yours! Looking forward to hearing what you do with it!

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    That's fine. It is wordy

  • @cheslain  Feb 2022

    Why would you want to? Everything was better in the 80's. Fashion sense in particular.

  • @littlespiral Feb 2022

    Yes, I'd love to hear what you did with Feel Real!

  • @majordanby  Feb 2022

    UK FAWM ;-)

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Thank you!!! Love your sound and your treatment of the lyrics! Awesome! Much appreciated!

  • @resonut123 Feb 2022

    Sure, this is FAWM so go ahead and do an alternate take/mix of Red Car just give me collab credit since I am the original songwriter.

  • @writeandwrong  Feb 2022

    Thank you, I like that, The Happy Hobo :)

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Yes. I think that's better.

  • @stephentanner  Feb 2022

    Hey! Thanks for your comment and yes, by all means, feel free to do a band arrangement, I see it as a full band song.

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Hey there. I wonder if we should change the last two lines on my suicide lyric? (see Roel's comment)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Thanks. I might bump it up a touch. I hadn't even listened to it myself until just now.

    I think you're right about Mozart though. Pretty sure he's be heavily into synths, but I'd love to have an orchestra on call at my disposal. One of those grass is always greener things I suppose.

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    You the man Thx.

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    I did it...do you hear a difference on Little Gerri??

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Sure! Go for it!

  • @gm7  Feb 2022

    Thx I have never done that mastering thing in bandcamp...I will try it. Thx

  • @kahlo2013  Feb 2022

    Looking forward to this! Glad you are here!

  • @stephentanner  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment. Look forward to hearing your first song.

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    Glad to see you here!

  • @greengrassgirl  Jan 2022

    Dave--So glad you're here. I love the song we did in 5090! I'll see what other lyrics I might have for you to take a look at.

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    Bonjour, Happy FAWMing 2022!!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Hey David! Good to see you're back for more FAWM fun. All the best to you in getting past 14 (which I'm pretty sure you're gonna). I'll be around and feel free to stop by if you're up for collaborating.

    Peace out!

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    You too mate. Enjoy!

  • @davidtaro  Jan 2022

    Hi David, hope you had a decent rest of '21. Here's to a brilliant FAWM22! Cheers.