John A 17


Madison WI US   Jan 2009  

Artist Bio

Influences:   They Might Be Giants, Counting Crows, Roger Clyne, Barenaked Ladies, Bon Iver, Ben Folds, Adam Schlesinger, Phil Collins (both in and out of Genesis), Chicago, Nirvana, and most of the rock/pop from the 80s and 90s. Trying to grow that to include more modern stuff.

he / his / him

Note to friends: I am doing most of my listening on a computer that blocks SoundCloud (and possibly some other streamers). I'll hope to circle back around to you soon.

2022: It's a wrap! I'm super happy with how it all turned out. A huge thank you to all my collaborators and near-collaborators. I look forward to seeing you next year!


In 2020 I put out a solo album made up entirely of FAWM songs from many years of writing, check it out here:.

And I also remixed and remastered an old 2012 EP:


I've been doing this since 2009*, and hit my 14 for 6 years running. I took 2015 off (minus one song), started 2016 with good intentions but was short circuited, spent 2017 on a solo project (except for one song), and took 2018 off (just one song). 2019 thru 2021 were back in the saddle with collab-heavy FAWMs. So 2021 is my 14th-ish outing. Or 11th in 14 years if you're being technical. Anyway, it's a lot.

And I'm in a band with @johncrossman and @nancyrost. We are more amazing than you can fathom. I was in a band with @tfish77 from like 1992-1995. We redefined rock as you know it, but then it went back. I'm producing an album with @leslie that will set the parameters for piano pop for a new generation. And I jam with @snort sometimes, since he lives down the street. We're not redefining anything.


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @kahlo2013  Mar 2022

    Thanks again, John, for your awesome music! I hope to come back and listen to more of your FAWM creations! I appreciate the collaborations and am still smiling about your guitar solos and that rocking children’s song!!! Love your creativity!

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Thanks for coming by "Under", glad you dug our collab! @nadine is a mastermind for sure.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I'm glad you enjoyed "Under". Focusing on rhythm has been something different for me and I love how @chrismyth02 delivered the vocals! Hope we get some real guitar shredding to produce it after FAWM.

  • @bethkille  Feb 2022

    Hey friend! Just emailed you a @kahlo2013 /beth kille collab tune - if you’re willing to help a sister with a face melting mission, open the email and apply overdrive liberally.

  • @loveonamixtape  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the audiobook help! I'm in business now with a mic that can handle my big girl voice!

  • @richardmasters  Feb 2022

    L&TC are definitely a spiritual influence, never been able to pull off anything like what they do, bless 'em.

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    The ball of twine update is a result of this song and my comment
    I have both very happy memories of our visit and a tshirt in a very nice shade of green. It is, in fact, the only green tshirt I own. So there you go. Some Sapient trivia for you.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Just posting back so I can also raise my rockhands for Operation Mindcrime lol

  • @blainev83  Feb 2022

    Hey! Thanks for all the kind words on my songs. Guitars are all ran direct from my Helix floor. I use the Revv Red amp for my main tone with mesa boogie cab IR’s. Most guitars are tracked in my Gibson LP slash signature.

  • @nancyrost  Feb 2022

    ICYMI, Billy Shears doc started.

  • @carleybaer  Feb 2022

    An ode to "ope" on ukulele? You might just be on to something there, sir. I'll see what I can do :)

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Hi John,
    No need to relinquish, but yeah I get it. Glad you enjoyed the song, and thanks for being so quotable :)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Last year, I searched and searched for an electronic drumkit and it always sounded weird, so I gave up on my industrial metal idea. I never pushed a drumset through a guitar amp. I should try, thanks!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment!

  • @unpronounceable  Feb 2022

    No need for frets unless you’re a guitar :p. Got your email :)

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments on Girl with Puppy-Saving Heart. Much appreciated.

  • @darcistrutt  Feb 2022

    Glad you enjoyed my cowbell piece! I am self-amused.
    In other news, I completed my version of "What? No!!!" It's fun to hear different takes on the same words. :-)

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    And so the conclusion from today's experiment is that Stutter Edit does indeed work rather well on guitars. And on screams too.
    What fun! :D

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    I just got copies of Breaktweaker and Stutter Edit for pennies in the Izotope sale! Hurrah!
    But now I'm staring at the interfaces with a blank, slightly frightened look on my face...
    BT I think I sort of understand. You make loops. You make more loops. These loops play in the app. But how do you make one loop play after another, and how do you record to audio in your DAW?
    And how in the name of all that's unholy do you get Stutter Edit to do things? I load it as an insert effect. Select a patch. And then... nothing... :(
    God, I hate it when an impulse buy requires valuable FAWMing time to be burnt watching endless you tube vids by 17 year old "beat makers"
    *rant only temporarily over*

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Dorian Gray". I'm glad you enjoyed. Writing and performing this song has been a heavy load of fun.

  • @marklberry  Feb 2022

    Binky! Let me know when you need a crowd for your loud segments! Looking forward to hearing your songs this year. Cheers, Mark

  • @arthurrossi Jan 2022

    Hey Binky! It is nice to see you here again! Have a wonderful FAWM!

  • @jwhanberry  Jan 2022

    On your marks.....Get set.....Watch out, here it comes!

    Have a fantastic FAWM my friend.

  • @kahlo2013  Jan 2022

    I am still wondering how one writes a heavy metal song…. And am still smiling about the wonderful collabs you have done with me! Happy FAWMings! Let me know if you have any collab interest or bandwidth!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Lets. Do. This.

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hi from Milwaukee!

    Looking forward to hearing what you come up with.

    - Jorge

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hope you have a great FAWM!!

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Hello!! Hope you have an amazing FAWMtastic February 2022!!! Looking forward to hearing what you do this year!

  • @unpronounceable  Jan 2022

    Hello friend. Glad to see you again.

  • @sapient  Jan 2022

    I suspect I lack the references for a thing like that. But hey, it's fawm! I'll try anything once!

  • @sapient  Jan 2022

    And once more we tear ourselves away from our daily existence to spend 28 days in our cellars.
    Hmm. How to make FAWM sound kinda weird...

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    Hello, Binky! Glad to see you around.

  • @ericdistad  Jan 2022

    You are here? You are here! Yay!

    Happy FAWM!

    (Also - collab? )

  • @hbusse  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM, friend!

  • @johncrossman  Jan 2022

    Undoubtedly due to our mutual admiration of the seminal works of one Ritchie, Lionel.

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Hooray for FAWM-awareness. Glad you're here.