crisp1 39


92056 US   Jan 2017  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Dylan, Cohen, Joni, Paul Simon, Jimmy Webb, Tom Waits, Springsteen, Eagles, Elvis Costello, Natalie Merchant, Jason Isbell are among the many whose lyrics blow me away.

I am a lyric writer only, so I'm looking for collaborations. This year, 2022, is my sixth FAWM and I've also done five 50/90s now. They're always super rewarding experiences. The talent and camaraderie here are incredibly inspiring. If you like to collaborate with lyric writers, please know that I work really hard to make my lyrics easy to sing. There might be an exception or two, when I go overboard with the verbiage, but I swear I'm trying to practice self-restraint.

March 1st:
What a FAWM! Thank you to every musician with whom I collaborated -- 25 collabs is a record for me. But it's not just quantity -- the quality of your work astounds me and I'm thrilled with the music that I will be able to enjoy for the rest of my life. Thank you, too, to everyone who commented on my lyrics and collaborations. I plan to be here in March and hope to repay your kindness if I missed your work during FAWM. I enjoyed so much music in February and am looking forward to more in March.

NOTE: I'm American but I live in Baku, Azerbaijan, which is 9 hours ahead of East Coast time in the U.S.

Songs (39)

#1 I Fall in Love Too Fast 12
Feb 2022
#2 Together 13
Feb 2022
#3 A World of Quiet Beauty 8
Feb 2022
#4 Carolina Vanilla 7
Feb 2022
#5 Together with @crisp1 @oswlek 36
Feb 2022
#6 As We Take a Walk at Sunset 6
Feb 2022
#7 Together @berni1954  14
Feb 2022
#8 A World of Quiet Beauty @daveyboy103  15
Feb 2022
#9 I Fall in Love Too Fast @klaus 20
Feb 2022
#10 As We Take a Walk at Sunset @sdcpaman 3
Feb 2022
#11 Under a Darkening Sky 7
Feb 2022
#12 Circular Grooves @jeustan  23
Feb 2022
#13 Daddy Don't @cleanshoes  28
Feb 2022
#14 Gazpacho Police 15
Feb 2022
#15 The Ruins 4
Feb 2022
#16 Heart to Full @colgoo  14
Feb 2022
#17 Be There For Me @tamsnumber4  28
Feb 2022
#18 Somewhere East of Nashville 11
Feb 2022
#19 Remember My Name 5
Feb 2022
#20 Not Even Close 4
Feb 2022
#21 Under a Darkening Sky @andybalham 6
Feb 2022
#22 Somewhere East of Nashville @sdcpaman 6
Feb 2022
#23 Somewhere East of Nashville @cheslain  20
Feb 2022
#24 Somewhere East of Nashville @jeff9  13
Feb 2022
#25 In the Pantheon 5
Feb 2022
#26 Not Even Close @cheslain  8
Feb 2022
#27 In My Mind @metalfoot  8
Feb 2022
#28 Silencing the Candle @sunnymae  20
Feb 2022
#29 Proud of Her 4
Feb 2022
#30 Together @ohljazz  6
Feb 2022
#31 Across a Bad River @jeustan  21
Feb 2022
#32 Carolina Vanilla @bandybum 5
Feb 2022
#33 I Want You Always @sdcpaman 3
Feb 2022
#34 The Reason You Breathe 6
Feb 2022
#35 Curmudgeon's Farewell @jeff9  10
Feb 2022
#36 The Reason You Breathe @sheslin  9
Feb 2022
#37 gazpacho police @williamhaight 4
Feb 2022
#38 Meant To Be @theresaj 7
Feb 2022
#39 Somewhere East of Nashville (#4) @netnoise 5
Mar 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @greengrassgirl  Mar 2022

    Hi, Doug! Thanks for the comments on A Lover and a Liar! I loved the way Marieke ran with this one! Glad you liked it, too.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    You asked me to recommend three of my songs: Difficult to choose but try:
    12 Dust - one of my best responses to a Skirmish Prompt (many of mine this year were skirmish inspired)
    17 Gretel & Hansel (for the Movie Title Challenge)
    34 Don't tell me a Story - a difficult rhyme scheme I was having trouble putting to music but was wonderfully handled by the fabulous Sonya Heller, who put it to music and gave me this marvellous performance.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you so much Doug for your warm comment on my collaboration with Sherry.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on my lyrics. I take what you say about words to heart!

  • @ayehahmur  Mar 2022

    Cheers, Doug! Thanks for your comments and support this year, as always.

  • @klaus Mar 2022

    Hi Doug. Thank you too. Collabs are two-way streets and I couldn't have done what I did if you hadn't given me a "road map" first, so to speak. :)

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for listening to some of my pieces and leaving such kind comments. I appreciate it and I always enjoy reading your lyrics. It wouldn't be FAWM for me without a visit to your soundboard. I'm so happy to see so many FAWMers snapping up your lyrics to set to music. You deserve it. Have a great year ahead, and hope to see you back again next FAWM.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    So glad I gave you the good kind of belly ache with my sausage snob song. :0)))
    yeah...the bagpipes...I just had too.

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    Thanks Doug for taking a listen to Ghost in the Window. I'm always humbled (and a little nervous) when a pure lyricist stops by, always hoping mine stand up to the music. I appreciate our dialogues very much!

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    Thanks man, what a lovely comment! :)

  • @daveyboy103  Mar 2022

    You are very welcome Doug, we certainly created a very evocative sketch of a cold & crisp winter, words and music.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Glad you joined me on my walk in the hills. I went for another one this morning: 18kms.

  • @bjunker  Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening to Lazy Morning!

  • @sph  Mar 2022

    Hi Doug, that song was really "constructed" with some parts having unusual length etc.
    Hope everything is ok with you.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Thanks for your nice note Doug! I've really tried to stretch myself this FAWM and it made a difference. I need to review more of your lyrics now, as I'm sure there are a few that I would love to set to music if I can (later!)

    And, yes, this is @kenmattsson, but I'm commenting from the new account I'm setting up for future FAWMs.

    I hope that you are okay there, as I know that there's so much going on in your part of the world. Assume it hasn't directly affected Baku, but sure you're feeling the ripples of it.

  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    Thanks for being the inspiration that got this year's FAWM rolling for me, Doug!

    (Like an idiot I added this comment to "Together" when I meant to post it to your page. Doh!)

  • @netnoise Mar 2022

    Hi Doug. I just posted my version of Somewhere East of Nashville. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write music for your lyrics.

  • @chrismyth02 Feb 2022

    Glad you dug "The Getaway Pigeon" thanks for coming to check it out!

  • @ohljazz  Feb 2022

    Enjoyed working with your words this FAWM! Would love to collab with you again in the 11 other months

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Doug, So happy to hear your comments on Green Eyes. Yes, I think Georgie and Gwyn did it again! Whoopie! I am so happy to have them turn my lyrics into songs.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Running Out of Time' - we hope to get it re-recorded at some point this year.

  • @sherrycanary Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comments on my song Will of the Heart
    I appreciate that you got it and helps me to carry on.
    I just reached deep with all the effort I could muster to participate in FAWM. 14 FAWMs.

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    You're a heck of a lot closer to it than me Doug. I think if they can hold out a full week, or ideally ten days, then there's hope. I am in complete awe of these people.

  • @trolls2 Feb 2022

    I love the veselka's mushroom barley soup such memories!!

  • @sheslin  Feb 2022

    Awesome - thanks Doug!!!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    I'm glad you liked my collab with Sonya. I think it's one of the best things to emerge from my FAW 22.

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022 got me there Doug! Must be something about me that has all you guys sending me those particular lyrics! :0)))))
    Probably my "been there done that" vibe, eh?

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Hi, Doug. Thanks for your comments on In Love All Alone. I thought Georgie (@jibbity34) and @gwyn1234 did a marvelous job on it, and delivered that Broadway feel I was hoping for. Glad you enjoyed it, too.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    We all hold hope, Doug. i wish we could see more help. We (Oz) are in this because apart from migrants we also have Xi and the CCP eyeing invading Taiwan and overlording the rest of us. Half my immediate family is in UK.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Very heavy news, but your comment has brightened my day. I'll pay it forward to someone else that needs it :)
    Thank you, Doug! I hope we can find some time to collaborate during 50/90!

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for hte listen adn comment on 'Tired of the Blues'!

  • @bandybum Feb 2022

    "How is Carolina Vanilla coming along?"

    - The lyric seemed to match beautifully to an mp3 of an ethereal piece that's been floating around awaiting completion, but the DAW project seems to have gone on holiday
    Yesterday I started afresh (phone) recording two or three takes of just speaking your lyric. Soon couldn't help myself giving it bit of improv singing and suddenly this delightful little chorus melody popped out

    Reached for my acoustic and found some pleasing chord changes. Currently searching for suitable drums, whether to go 4/4 or 6/8 and fleshing out the verses. But the magic piece has landed to my ears. Hopefully to yours too

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    Nice lyrics on In My Mind

  • @janeukey  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the lovely feedback on A Post Modern Love Story!

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Doug, for encouraging words on "The Waltz". You know @donna's talents well.

    Also thrilled that you like how "Somewhere East of Nashville" turned out.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    Sounds good. Up to you whether we go Johnny Cash or some other style. If you've got any more bovine furniture let me know...

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    We don't have a collab yet do we? Oh dear. I'm letting you down...

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Doug, for taking a moment to check out "Mean".

  • @tamsnumber4  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments on "We Don't Have a Clue"!

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on the collab with Tammy, 'We Don't Have a Clue'!

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    By all means, please send your Prine-esque one when you get rolling tomorrow. Love to take a look, Doug.

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Doug. Glad you were ok with my version of Somewhere East of Nashville. Sorry that I drifted off script slightly with the lyrics in a couple of places, but hopefully didn't totally mess it up. Thanks also for letting me take a shot at it. You are quite a popular lyricist, and deservedly so!

  • @williamhaight Feb 2022

    Thanks, for allowing to write the music for Gazpacho Police. I won't be able to put anything up for a week. Life! But I'll have something up by the end of next week.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your lovely comment on the haiku

  • @edward9thstreet Feb 2022

    Thx for the comments, Doug. Suggestions welcome, still very much a WIP. I get your point on the chorus, but I am hearing a going/ flowing rhyme at the top. Will try both ways. Thanks! As usual, some killer lyrics you've penned.

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    Heehee....Blondie or maybe Devo...hmmm think I like flower pots on my head. :0) Keep writing my friend! I'm circling around like a hawk.
    You've got wonderfully talented folks grabbing your stuff left and right. I luvvit!

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Doug, thanks from me also for the nice comments on the song @geoff61 and I did.

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Ha thanks Doug, means a lot to me that you like my words.

  • @serene123  Feb 2022

    thanks for mentioning humour!! I desperately want to be funny haha

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Ah and if I find people the final version won't happen during FAWM. Im VERY deep into production, so I usually end up with 30+ tracks. I'll upload onto social media channels late the year.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Pedal to metal". I'm glad you enjoyed. My FAWM songs are drafts cause my instrument playing and singing sucks. I'm more songwriter and producer. So I hope that somebody jumps in with better vocals and real guitars.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    You're welcome. I remember I set one of your lyrics to music last FAWM and you've always been one of my favorite lyric writers here.

  • @redlady8029 Feb 2022

    HI This is Schantell

  • @yewnorker Feb 2022

    T'is himself! I'm glad to see you're having a good FAWM. So many collabs too!
    You're fairly prolific yourself. If the tap is flowing just write 'em all down. Sort it out later. Hmmm ... I wrote that one? Really? OK.

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    I just wanted to stop by to tell you that I’ve enjoyed your lyrics and collaborations over the past several years. You provide so many gems to people who are inspired by them and it always turns out so well. Really fantastic writing. I wish I were a singer!

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Doug, Thank you for your comments on Friendship Hurts (If You Do It Right.) I so admire your writing that a compliment from you is extra special. Thank you!

  • @ayehahmur  Feb 2022

    Lyle Lovett! There's a voice I've not heard in ages. Thanks for that!

    It looks like I'm going to be pretty quiet for a few more days but hoping to be a lot more active in the latter two weeks for sure.

  • @colgoo  Feb 2022

    I’ve got our collaboration up (along with my four other recordings). I hope you like it.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Fire Inside', Doug. More info on the rock opera in the liner notes on this song:

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thank you, Doug! I've appreciated all the kind and encouraging comments here and during 50/90. I sure wish I would have had a teacher that inspired me to think that way (Chekhov quote) at a younger age. That rocks. I believe it is never too late to be who you wanna be!

  • @andybalham Feb 2022

    Hi. Do you mind if I have a go at 'Under a Darkening Sky' please? I think I can hear some bluesy rock for it.

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Thanks Doug, Kate is just the best, as is David.

  • @ltunes  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment about my song. I thought I couldn't write about the kids, so this one took me by surprise. I keep watching your lyrics, but they get snapped up fast!

  • @klaus Feb 2022

    Hi Doug. I Fall in Love Too Fast has been posted. Thanks for this collaboration. I changed the first line just the tiniest bit, sorry, hope you don't mind. I wrote the melody Too Fast. :)

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the encouragement on "Carly", Doug. Stepped out onto a ledge with that one.

  • @colgoo  Feb 2022

    Absolutely, Doug! I would be honored.

  • @cleanshoes  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comment on What the Body Knows, Doug! That means a lot, especially coming from a fellow lyricist such as yourself.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thank you, Doug! Your comment means a lot!!

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Great words and always up for a challenge

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Sometimes it just come to you quickly. I had been thinking about what to do for a while but wanted your OK to proceed.

    Glad you liked it the words are great.

  • @blainev83  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind words on “the man who never lived”

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    I love Little Feat!! Willin, Dixie Chicken, Oh Atlanta… so many amazing tunes. Very honoured to get a comparison, thank you Doug! (Also, I suspect I’m a little older than you think I am…)

  • @cleanshoes  Feb 2022

    Yes! Please send it my way. I look forward to it!

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    well if it is early next week i might have my head above water! ive got about 3 collabs going, 3 interviews for my podcast a show to produce, i promised to do some skirmishes so im just a touch pushed.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    I see you have got a collab on "Together" - do you still want me to give it a shot?

  • @jessicagraae  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments about my Lab Monkey song! I appreciate your comments about my voice, too. :)

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your lovely words

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022


  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Great to see you back. Can't wait to hear you again this year! Thanks for the lovely message

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Doug, on "What About Me"!

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out Beautiful People Do Ugly Things. I appreciate your positive comments!

  • @klaus Feb 2022

    Hi Doug. Yes, well, there's wordy with good meter and then there's wordy with bad meter. You clearly have good meter down pat so wordy is not a problem. :)

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on my Week 1 Challenge song!

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Thanks Doug, good to see you off and running :-)

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Hi Doug,
    Glad you gave my "Cosmic Dance" a listen. It was for the "Fake Band" challenge. Quite a bit out of my usual territory. But fun to do.

  • @klaus Feb 2022

    Hi Doug. Ok, thanks. I'm little bit busy at work and stuff but I'll try to finish the demo during the weekend. If someone else wants to demo it too, it's ok by me.

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    Have a great FAWM Doug, I know you will (lots of eyes on you my man) :-)

  • @edward9thstreet Jan 2022


  • @jacobeverettwallace  Jan 2022

    Hey Doug! Not sure what I'll be able to do this year but I always look forward to your writing!

  • @donna  Jan 2022

    So pleased the Challenges give you so much pleasure, Doug. Great to see you here again. I think it's so neat that a bunch of Musers converge here, and go about doing their own thing in their own respective cornera.

  • @klaus Jan 2022

    Ditto, Doug! :)

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Hey Doug, hope you are well! I always look forward to your lyrics. Maybe we'll get to work on a song together this year. I'm trying to be a bit more realistic in what I take on this time.

  • @songwritingzen  Jan 2022

    ... And you too, here's to a fantastic FAWM :)

  • @jessicagraae  Jan 2022

    Hello! Wishing you a great FAWM!

  • @berni1954  Jan 2022

    Have a good FAWM, yourself!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hello friend. I never know if or when I will find myself within your words, but it is always a beautiful place to be. I hope your FAWM makes your heart smile.

  • @aesthetic72 Jan 2022

    Hello and thanks for the note! Looking forward to your creations as well!

  • @mikeb  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM 2022, Doug!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Hello friend. I am sure the words laying in your heart and soul are anxious to get out.