cphaurckker 16


23831 US   Feb 2018


Artist Bio

Influences:   all over the map, though I'm a child of the 80s and a variety of styles from that period inform my writing. Expect bits of hair metal, pop music, "120minutes" style alternative, as well as folk, country (alt and otherwise), as well as leftovers from my days as a teenage jazz guitarist.

(He/Him) I'm a lifelong player of guitar and sundry stringed things who gets way more musical gigs as a 40something with a full-time desk gig and a family than I ever did as a swinging twentysomething. I currently do most of my musical stuff playing bass with wizard/geek rock/filk icons The Blibbering Humdingers (see us at cons in the mid-atlantic and elsewhere!), though I'm pulling down a fair number of solo gigs these days (or did, in The Before Times) - couple of records and such for your listening and/or purchasing pleasure at chuckparker.bandcamp.com


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  • @cphaurckker  Feb 2022

    I owe *so* many recordings for these songs - life is sadly in the way right now. Hoping this week clears out a bit, along with my throat.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    I sent you a status update through Bandcamp but it says "allow 5-7 business days". Ugh. Ain't nobody got time for that. Drop me a mail via my profile or I can just post it when it's done and if you hate it I'll scramble the lyrics and take your name off of it (it'll make just as much sense,)

  • @cphaurckker  Feb 2022

    @tuneslayer have at it - I'd love to hear what you come up with! (I'm not going to get to it until tomorrow at the earliest....)

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Someone has been having too much fun with Titular.

    Would you be interested in letting me take a crack at a tune for When The Seventh Rolls?

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022