Cowboy Dick 19


98115 US   Feb 2012

Artist Bio

Influences:   The Smiths, Willie Nelson, Oysterband, Fleetwood Mac, Public Image Limited, The Shaggs, Hank Williams (the dad), Bananarama, Harry James. And for inspiration: Groucho Marx, Eugene O'Neill, and Sam Elliott.

Seattle guy, and over 60 now. How's that possible? Retired from the US Air Force after 24 years of service. Friends from college gave me the moniker I use for my display name -- Cowboy Dick. I'm a writer nowadays, fiction and screenplays and -- more recently -- songs, some of which will be posted here. Widowed not long ago; the grief I feel for losing the man of my dreams finds its way into some of the lyrics (which, I admit, are unapologetically gay). The microphone seems to be a bit out of tune sometimes when I sing, and my piano certainly deserves someone more talented than me to bang on it. But I do my best and don't worry; hope the stuff is heartfelt (or at least smartass enough) to make you reflect or smile. Thanks for listening.


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  • @matthew62  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to and comment on so many of my songs. It is truly appreciated.

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    The 5090 is a totally different beast for me. There is no chance that I would even want to try to reach that goal, so I take a much more relaxed approach, taking part when I feel like it, taking some time off, taking part again. I think I've lost a lot of my old music. Siobhan spilled water on the old computer, and I don't back anything up. If you really want to listen to some old stuff, I could make a playlist of songs I can still find. I don't lament the loss too much: It's never the thing/It's always the dream

  • @christmascard  Feb 2022

    On the double vocals, It's super time consuming (as I try to get my intonation right), but I personally really dig the effect - now my voice sounds "naked" with just one track! haha

  • @christmascard  Feb 2022

    Very kind words!! I play everything myself, and I especially love your "perfect harmonica" comment as I am a super amateur (only comes out in FAWM), so very much appreciated :)

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    Ha...yes...throw it all on the pile...and then we will drink whiskey and roast marshmallows as we set the whole thing ablaze. That's pretty much my "'songwriting' philosophy." I'm glad you came along for the ride. There's something about 28 days that really focuses the mind. Now I can go back to sloth and angst

  • @timlaborie Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to Hello Moon and for your comments. Yea, I'm not sure where that darkness came from...but it's not personal.

  • @timlaborie Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to Hello Moon and for your comments. Yea, I'm not sure where that darkness came from...but it's not personal.

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    That song title was just something I found amusing; there is no song. People tend to get a lot more comments early in the month. By now people are sort of burnt out, I'm afraid, and they're frantically trying to finish their 14 songs. Also, some people are hardcore about reciprocating and some aren't. Do you want to hear some great music? These folks are awesome and tend to reciprocate: ttg105, wolfkier. I hesitate to put too many names here, but vomvorton is one of my all-time favs here, and a great guy. There are so many amazing folks here. What blows my mind is how nice everyone is. You've got full-blown multi-instrumentalists alongside folks with a ukulele and an iphone, and we're all one big friendly community.

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    I'm so glad you joined me on this journey, Richard. Congrats on your win! I have a couple of BS "songs" in my tally, so I'm going to need a couple more before I say I've won

  • @davidsnyder Feb 2022

    Hey thanks so much for your comments on my songs! Much appreciated. Listening to yours now! :)

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Must check out that film. My aunt used to skate for “Roller Derby.”

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for clearing that up and for your awesome praise. I used to write for a Travelling Theatre Company whenever we got to a new venue we would work on a new show with the local people about their issues or local legends. I had to write the songs. and that got me into the habit of writing fast and furiously. I love skirmishes for that reason.

    I was in the RAF for three years as a young man. I was obsessed with being air crew, but I didn't have a degree (at the time) so I ended up a Telecommunications Engineer fixing VHF Radios and Aerial Tuning Units.

  • @sbs2018  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment. Didn't realize "Roller Boogie" was a thing - lol!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for giving some of my songs a listen and your very positive comments.

    Oh go on... I have to ask... What's the REST of you called?" :-)

  • @williamjames Feb 2022

    Hi! Great job on guessing all the references! Glad to meet another man of culture!

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    If you have words for "It's about time" that would be great. I play all parts with the aid of some machines for drums etc.

  • @petemurphy  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks so much. The best way to send a vocal to me would be through the email address that's on my profile (the little red envelope somewhere under my profile name on here). You can either attach the file to the email, or if it's too big to attach, you can upload to something like Google Drive or Dropbox and send me the link.

    As far as quality / fidelity goes, I can work with pretty much anything. Even if it's low quailty, I'll make it work.


  • @artie  Feb 2022

    Your comments were all lovely to read. We certainly had a lot of fun making that "Bubbles" track. BTW how did you come to know of Wesley Willis? His music has been so endearing to me for the last (almost) 30 years. I'm always excited to find someone else that's aware of his music.

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    Heck no it's not cheating to use the iPad. I would be doing that all the time if mine weren't broken. Songs stay up on this site until they clear it out for the 5090--fifty songs in ninety days--which starts on July 4. Go, Cowboy, Go!

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    It sounds like you've fully immersed yourself in the spirt of FAWM. I've never looked at the random titles. The world offers me enough random titles :)

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    Dude, I listened to Mrs. Brown...on repeat for a while, so not really before my time :)

  • @ohleeoh Feb 2022

    Added you to my watchlist. Gonna listen to more of your stuff.

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    Hey, if you want to host files here at FAWM it'll cost you 25 bucks. I pay the money to support the site, but I'm using soundcloud. You can get a free account which should be sufficient to host the songs you write this month. Looking forward to what you come up with

  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    Yo, cowboy! Bring it!!