Corinne Lucy 8


Northampto UK   Jan 2012

Artist Bio

Influences:   Honestly, this year, it's Taylor Swift and the musical Hamilton

She/her. 2022 will be my sixth FAWM. Last year was a total wash out, this year I'm hoping to smash it out of the park.

I haven't written much of anything in the last couple of years. It's as if something came along and slowed the pace of my life way down until not much inspiring or even note-worthy was happening, but also was the worst and most note-worthy thing that ever happened in anyone's lives, but in a really boring way? Know what I mean?

Songs (8)

#1 None of Us Shall Fall 12
Feb 2022
#2 Lungs Alone 7
Feb 2022
#3 Miracle on our Front Porch 13
Feb 2022
#4 I Go Home 7
Feb 2022
#5 The Temple @woolford  12
Feb 2022
#6 All This Chaos 9
Feb 2022
#7 We Are @lifewithtomcat  7
Feb 2022
#8 Gimme Just A Minute 6
Feb 2022


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  • @pumpkinhead Mar 2022

    Thanks for this years FAWM. You wrote some nice songs and as usual I just wanted to meet you and sit and play guitar. Take care.

  • @tiedyehero Feb 2022

    I know I'm writing back a bit behind the times but if you're still up for a collab give me a couple days to write something and I'll send it your way!

  • @lifewithtomcat  Feb 2022

    Post away! Excited to hear it!

  • @lifewithtomcat  Feb 2022

    We Are awaits you whenever you have time, enjoy!

  • @lifewithtomcat  Feb 2022

    For The Roses is so good - echo you were referencing would be cold (blue) steel then? I was keyed into “river” and “home” as other possible echoes. My fave album shifts with age - am currently listening to Song to a Seagull and Hejira a lot for reasons I’m unclear on, lol.

  • @lifewithtomcat  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment. I am open to ALL collabs. I'm mostly a folk/acoustic guy myself - was being a moody git today when I posted those lyrics, lol.

  • @lanasolyluna Feb 2022

    Thank you! After the last couple years, I think we all need a bean-throwing anti-ogre party

  • @arkka  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind words!

  • @twyllodrus Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Vorhölle der sieben tropfenden Hunde. I always thought Buddhism very peaceful religion until I discovered their hells. I‘m not so sure now.

  • @mckillop  Feb 2022

    Hi Corinne, thanks for your nice thoughts on "Your Hand Upon My Arm".
    I wasn't very happy with the way the melody developed; I think I need to revisit that. Your encouraging words are motivating me to give it another shot!

  • @corvisier Feb 2022

    Merci Corinne pour ton commentaire !
    Thank You for your comment.
    Good compositions too, lovely voice !

  • @alanonymous Feb 2022

    Thank you dramatic music is my favorite so that means a lot

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Hello! I really look forward to anything you can do -- even one song of yours would be SO SPLENDID! :D

  • @sueawesome Jan 2022

    for the love of all the universe, please let there be corrine

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Hello! I hope you are returning this year!! Happy FAWM!