Aquino 4


07003 US   Jan 2011  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Jeff Buckley, De La Soul, Buena Vista Social Club, Hurray for the Riff Raff, Ani Difranco, Bruce Springsteen, Nick Drake, James, Danay Suárez, The Roots, Hector Lavoe, Manu Chao, Hamell on Trial, Justin Townes Earle, Ozomatli, Mt. Wolf, and many more...

2022. Year 12.

Cool things happening. Sad things happening. Songs happening? I think so. Don't know how many I'll get out but MUSIC.



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  • @pianoonthepatio Mar 2022

    heya, thank you for your thoughtful feedback on Glass Flowers - I definitely wanted to hear your thoughts on that as I didn't know what else to do for it but still feels like things are still off). And for the lovely comments on Finding Blue Garden - I'm glad it made you think of swimming in the ocean immediately! The Philip Glass plugin is the bomb. Let me know when you get the chance to use it! I'd love to hear. Are you joining 50/90 this month?

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Ah yes that is the drop D I know, didn’t actually know it was called Double Drop D! Regardless, my favorite tuning :-)

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Ah yes that is the drop D I know, didn’t actually know it was called Double Drop D! Regardless, my favorite tuning :-)

  • @swampjaw  Feb 2022

    It was a sound that caught my attention. Same sort of thing happens for me with Yello -- electronic grooves, and in every song, there's a little something that I am scratching my head, thinking "what is that?!"

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Man, when I heard what was on tape 17 all I could think was "don't mess this up" - it sounded SO GOOD with just the three tracks.

    Awesome collab, thanks for making the time to make it happen.

  • @kenjku Feb 2022

    I was like oh yeah, it’s FAWM! So busy these days, but we’ll see what happens. Might be a good month to get some ideas brewing. Happy Fawming brother.

  • @angelinapowersuit Feb 2022

    Coudboy!!!! Thank you for reaching out and listening! Above - well said my friend! Here's to 22!

  • @tiedyehero Feb 2022

    looking forward to hearing what you come up with!!!!!

  • @leavesong  Feb 2022

    Great to see you back, Michael! Looking forward to hearing your music again.

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Hi, there! I have tape 17 ready, will mail it to you tomorrow morning!

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    Hi. Thanks for signing up for the instrumental corpse. I've put you in as second in line if that's okay?

  • @wacha  Jan 2022

    Hey Michael, glad yo see you are back too. Happy FAWMing!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Hey! Yeah, excited for this tape! Let's do this! Happy FAWM! :)

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    I wonder how many teaspoons all the omicron COVID in the world would fit into.

    It sounds like this is a happenin' kind of year for you, so I hope that some of what February brings happen to be songs.

  • @lhcisco  Jan 2022

    Hmm.......might work.

  • @mikegtz  Jan 2022

    Welcome back to the FAWM arena, Mike. Looking forward to hearing what you come up with this year.

  • @deena  Jan 2022

    Hooray for the return of cloudboy!!! So right you are - MUSIC!