cleansupafterburn 0


Midland, O CA   Jan 2021  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Everybody is a teacher and we are all indigenous to the party.

First of all, check out the bottom section of the "Unsavoury" page under "Services" tab, if you are all hung up on my crazy album cover, it's just for shock value. See above, it's my moss weebly.

OK... Help the youth help themselves for 7 gens later. Change everything if not. Land first ethic. People who stayed wherever first at the circles who talk most maybe. I'll be on my milk crate in the House of Commons after a bit of auditing school at University of Toronto and some maybe basic training for flying purposes and fitness class, about four years long but solo and temporary autonomous zones with teachers and friends perhaps. Keeping it real.

Trying to copyright this time, just in case it's worthy of passing about. Here's a freebie prompt for you guys. "Don't de-acidlessness me yet"

I prefer the final veto on collabs. Your subjective expressions are great, run covers by me. I will explain the mode and the golden mean.

Let's be allies in abstinent or moderate advocacy.
Nothing has to change, or we change everything. We consensus "NO" for the world record in fastest consensus at my end of term if you'd like. Could be cute with an altar and love.
Let's make this our Tabula Rasa Year One. See ya later Age of Pisces. Thanks.
The Benevolent Dictatorship has spoken word.

P.S. in the spirit of the Magus, the Wicker Man, the Holy Mountain, Rocky Horror, and many other great flicks... Let's adult later. I'll pour some pieces on the table gradually, and please encourage youth to set up their boards and LARPS. It's politics but fun.

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).
