circle 6


VN   Jan 2016

Artist Bio

Influences:   Teen Suicide, Fugazi, Deerhunter, Yo La Tengo, Slowdive, Radiohead, Neu, Katie Dey, Kitty, My Bloody Valentine, Mercury Rev, Nadia Oh, DIIV, Hosome, Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her, Soccer Mommy, Shiina Ringo, Pet Shimmers, Shinsei Kamattechan, Sonic Youth, The Radio Dept., Weatherday


so glad my profile picture isn't a guitar


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  • @pianoonthepatio Mar 2022

    hiya, thank you for commenting on Spaceship Coffeeshop! haha, I'm glad you think that it's a great track name and made you want to hang with all of your alien and cyborg friends. That's exactly the kind of chill vibe I was going for

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    "pitch shift your vocals" challenge ACCEPTED

  • @radioovermoscow Feb 2022

    The guitars are all STL ToneHub - the second, fuzzier one that comes in I think has Big Muff Pi on it. Aside from that, it's just getting them EQd right, compression, etc.

  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    I laughed probably a bit too much at your kind of morbid comment on Strangers with Memories. Thank you also for your feedback on the 'roughness'! I was racking my brains trying to make everything rhyme, but maybe now I'll keep some of it to not do it on purpose!

  • @radioovermoscow Feb 2022

    Thanks! I have a few templates set up which greatly assist in getting to a decent-enough mix for demo purposes pretty fast.

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    Ahhh, as of this year I have that very vst. I used to have Kerovee when I was a PC-user but there's no version on Mac, it is sadly missed!

  • @tuesdaygray Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind words!

  • @leah0k Feb 2022

    Thank you for the tip! That made me chuckle :-D

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Much appreciated for taking the time to stop by and listen.

  • @quru Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on Konsepti! Regarding definition of song and "audio that isn't just talking", the I'm Sitting In A Room I mentioned in my liner notes is basically just talking and building up layers of natural reverb which makes up for wonderful and evolving soundscape, but I don't know if it's a song or composition or artwork or performance or what, to hell with definitions, let's just make noise.

  • @resonut123 Feb 2022

    @circle, sorry my link did not work for my False Prophet song.
    It works for me using Mozilla FireFox, not sure what the problem is???
    Thanks for trying.

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    O and thanks for the kind words!

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Well there a few ways we can go about, if there are any tunes you think I’d be good for you can just email me a bounce to jam to. I can shoot you my email or if you prefer I can send you some starts for you to fill out? Either way works for me.

  • @enigma4711 Feb 2022

    Ooh, can I expect some clean stuff from you? That'd be interesting :)

    I'm not sure. Maybe I'll write some songs in my native language danish. I haven't done that so much

  • @enigma4711 Jan 2022

    Maybe I will. No rules this year though.

    Have you any thoughts or plans for FAWM 22?

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022

    fingers crossed for some more circle goodness this year!

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    Is it time?

  • @vomvorton  Jan 2022

    circle circle circle
