Christmas Card 14


AU   Jan 2009

Artist Bio

Influences:   paul kelly, ryan adams, the decemberists, conor oberst, the lucksmiths, belle and sebastian, darren hanlon

Bedroom musician. Bio writer enthusiast. Partook in FAWM 10 years ago, and have hardly written a full song since then.. it's time to fix that.


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  • @cowboydick Feb 2022

    Another Paul Kelly fan? Yeah! I've got his first couple of LPs on vinyl ... amazing stuff. I participated in one FAWM some years back and only posted two songs. Thanks to my old grad school roommate (Fresh Spotless Youth) for roping me back in this year. I'm having a blast, and thanks for your kind comments about my song "Thirst."

  • @hanley  Feb 2022

    Oh my goshness, you’re here again, welcome back!!! Just realised and will take a listen to some of your tunes V soon. Hope you’re well!

  • @nateger  Feb 2022

    Thank God doughnuts are REAL nuts. If they turned out to be fake I think I'd lose my mind. I appreciate the heads up!

  • @memeworrywort Feb 2022

    Hi. I have fixed the link on my song. Appreciate your interest.