Michelle Lyons 12

Artist Bio

Influences:   Weird stuff, electronic stuff, rock stuff, noise, novelty music, avant, 70s art rock, punk, post-punk, house music / techno and all that stuff which gets called "EDM" these days

The woman formerly known as Chriddof.


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  • @drownedluv Mar 2022

    hi chelle :) nice to see you back

  • @vomvorton  Feb 2022

    Yep I'm up for that! Send me what you have and I'll do my best!

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    It's great to see you back!
    I am somewhat of a connoisseur of awful PSAs, particularly the absolutely terrifying ones aimed at kids in the 1970s. It's amazing we ever stepped outside into the fresh air given the horros that awaited us round every corner...