Chasing Andromeda 0


Ohio US   Jan 2010  

Artist Bio

Influences:   80s synthpop and new wave, 70s old school funk, progressive rock, impressionist and neo-classical era works, most jazz, retrowave/synthwave/chillwave/retro electro

No clue what this year will bring. No clue at all.

I used to post my gear list here, but I will do so on a song by song basis. Too much stuff and I am not quite sure what I will be using this year.

You can find me around the Interwebz at:

Hyperfollow - all the links to streaming services and digital music marketplaces


Chasing Andromeda -
Michalski Music Productions -

Be kind.

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @cts  Feb 2022

    No worries, man. If it gets posted, cool and if not, just as cool. I'm just appreciative of whatever time you were able to give to working on it.

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Maaaaan I want you to have a blast with it. Whatever you wanna do is fine with me. If vocals can fit, cool, if not - we've got a tasty instrumental.

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    We anticipate with great delight!

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Ooooh, that sounds so promising!

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Did you see my response?

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Alright, Chief - the goods have been sent!

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    Having no clue is the path to all good things. Looking forward to hearing you again, Michael.

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Psst...check your mail.

  • @psyt Jan 2022

    Likewise. Have a good FAWM~ :)

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    Thanks. I'm actually not gonna be doing "as much" this year. But I'll be around and hopefully have plenty of time for listening. Great to see you around.

  • @robynmackenzie  Jan 2022

    You too! Looking forward to hearing some sweet new CA tunes!

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    Hey Mr Andromeda. :-)
    Whatever you manage will be awesome! :-)

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022

    Have a fantastic FAWM!!

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing my friend!

    See You In The Shadows…

    p.s. Looks like we're avatar buddies ;)

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Mike! What's happening, man? You make sure that you check in with me next month, ok? Happy FAWMing!

  • @looprication  Jan 2022

    Hey there! Hope you’re hanging this year!

  • @tesla3090  Jan 2022

    Hope everything is going well!

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022

    Hey man, hope you're around this year!