Chariot Baldwin 14


2256 AU   Jan 2013  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Tim Minchin, Diane Warren, Darren Hayes, Tracy Chapman, Jon Bon Jovi, Terence Trent D'Arby, Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Swift, Tina Arena, Spice Girls, Neil Finn ... its impossible to list them all -

10th year for me!! A decade of FAWMING - Wow!

I wonder how many songs I would never have written if it hadn’t been for FAWM and its sister “50/90”?

I’m certainly a better songwriter for it.

I can still remember the terror and endorphins going through my body when posting my first song online; as well as the joy of giving and receiving feedback.

When I reflect on (slightly over) a decade of songwriting, I’m amazed how far I’ve come. I'm writing with actual artists these days. Some are full pro's, others are up and coming. I've learnt so much by networking and co-writing and I will keep working towards a Golden Guitar nomination / win.

Gotta start small right ?? LOL

PLEASE NOTE - My feedback will be on your lyrics, rather than the music. The amount of effort it takes for me to listen to a song these days is quite high due to my profound hearing loss. So I can't spend 20-30 mins per song to give you feedback, like I used to.

Secondly - am usually happy to do a co-write, but talk to me about it first okay?


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  • @mardeycranbleson  Mar 2022

    THanks for your comments and helpful feedback just on my way to check out some of your songs!

  • @hummingbear  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment and catching my typo in Cassowary Statuary!

  • @bfwaite  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your encouragement! I was ready to go to bed but saw your note and made another song happen. Thank you, thank you!! And hope you had a great FAWM!!

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Hey hey. Very happy fawming to you lovely