cblack 18


AU   Jan 2017

Artist Bio

Influences:   Metal: Arch Enemy, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, The Agonist, Cadaveria, Frantic Amber. Electronica: X-Rx, God Module, Noisuf-X, Centhron. Life: Katy Perry, KoRn, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, The Offspring, Bauhaus, MORE Katy Perry.

Pronouns: Call me anything you like.

Doing lyrics-only this year. If you want to set them to music, let me know.


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  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Cloaked in the Fairest Melody"! My guitar songs this year were, in retrospect, a quest for tone, and I think I peaked with our collab, which is when I thought to combine physical pedals with the Brainworx Diezel VH4 amp sim, but I was getting there already with this one, using a combo of pedals that @emplate told me work well together (one of them made by a friend of ours, one by me) with another amp sim, whereas "Johanneksen tapuliin" was all amp sim and it sounds like, I don't know how to say this in English, like knäckebröd. Dry, angular, breaks down into crumbs when you bite it, you know how it is.

  • @bo0m3r31337  Mar 2022

    Thank you for all the comments!! Some of your influences I love! And love the organ you have in some of these pieces it's the master instrument! <3 keep up the good work!

  • @kirjis Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you liked it!

  • @fonte  Mar 2022

    Ahhh glad you liked it! :-) The words are soooo good, I only really realised when I came to say them out loud. Truly a great write, well done :-)

  • @actualjulian  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the love this year cblack. May the FAWM be with you ALWAYS

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    I'm gonna go for it!

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    I'm hoping to have something for you later! Sorry for the delay, things have been crazzzyyy! If I fail, please accept my apologies :-(

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Ha, robo-riffage is the best riffage! It's the Vintage Electric from Native Instruments, and for me its an invaluable tool for coming up with nice slabs of guitar - basically the combination of piano roll and the pre-programmed rhythm patterns means that you can quickly get some unexpected things happening.

    I'm sorry that I wasn't able to deliver more on the spoken word part - I'm just not that guy! But I gave it my best. You should have heard the first take, where in my excitement I lapsed into a deeply unconvincing Glasgow accent about half way through, like I was trying to be Begbie out of Trainspotting. I'm kind of regretting not going with that actually!

    Thanks for dragging me over the line!

    edit: Oh, and I forgot to say - my favourite band when I was sixteen was Therapy? - I was really trying to channel Opal Mantra or something like that here!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Glad you like it! ^__^

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Okay, the song is taking shape, it may even be finished tomorrow (Finnish time). Do you mind if I post in on my soundcloud and then send you the link so you can add the demo to your submission? And if that's ok, can I also allow for it to be downloaded?

  • @jess  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment @cblack ! glad you liked it :-) I'll deffo have to check out VNV Nation !

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Those words are a complete blast, looking forward to having a stab at them in the coming days. Thanks so much, let's see if I can rock out without disturbing anybody...

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Hello! I think we've been paired for a random collab... and you very kindly did the Beachcombing words for 50/90! (I go by a different name of FAWM for reasons unknown). I'm game for anything you want to throw my way. I will try any genre you fancy (with varying degrees of success), but know that my metal references are primarily 90s, so it is going to be Helmet style (but without good guitar) or grungesque (but without good guitar) if you go that way, because that's where I normally gravitate when there's guitars and distortion. But if you're happy, I'll do whatever you want. On the other hand, if you want a prompt I can give it, and you can take or leave as you wish. Excited!

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ok, I think I nearly have something for Erosion! Shall I email it to you somehow?

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Hope you don't mind if there aren't any clean vocals in it, though. I mean, those would be cool and all but I probably can't do them.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Just read your comments on @hmorg profile. Oh I listened to this stuff for years xD Now I can't listen to electro anymore...

  • @tuesdaygray Feb 2022

    Thanks for your nice comment!

  • @amelea Feb 2022

    Haha thanks for validating my new Party Animal title. I’m glad you enjoyed the song! And glad you liked the vocals, I personally felt a little uneasy about them but knew I’d get the song out faster if I didn’t do 50+ vocal takes like I’m always obsessssssed with doing

  • @beatsbycamel Feb 2022

    Thank you for the nice comment on "grow up"

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ok cool, I'll see what comes from 'Erosion'. I had some ideas come to me so I will play around with them. Will keep you posted! :-)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Congrats on your FAWM win!

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    My brain on idle, sorry

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Up. sorry about the metronome, a real bungle there.

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    OK I have an impro for ready set death if you want to mark me as collab and I'll put it up. (alas, the metronome was on the wrong track! and i cant' get rid of it as this stage!) The lyrics are wholly unchanged (some doubled lines) so it should jsut latch onto your existing post.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    I could try something to one of the ones you have up here already? I’m quite tempted by Erosion. Or dare I confront Capitol! lol. How do you like to go about? Happy for me to pick up and run with it or do you have a direction in mind?

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    I'll see what I can do. [Takes out operatic mangle]

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Indeed! What do we do now?! lol

  • @engebretsen  Feb 2022

    I did see that you do mostly lyrics this year. I keep some of them in mind....

  • @engebretsen  Feb 2022

    Thx a lot for comments on my song. Much appreciated. I see that you have had a great and productive fawm so far. I will select some songs now, to listen too. Lets hear....

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind words on „Defeat the demise“ :) I’m very glad you enjoyed it!

  • @doggolito Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "chug" and for listening to it :)
    Very happy you enjoyed it !

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Finally finished our random collab
    hope you like it

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    SO much fun with Mr Coops and thanks heaps for the listen. Looking forward to trawfling through your amazing wohooo 13 already!!!! on fire

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your listen mate!

  • @erucaesounds  Feb 2022

    Hey there cblack, thanks for your kind words on The Flimflam, much appreciated!

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    No, unfortunately I haven't been to any parts of Australia unless you count astral projection... in which case, probably also no. I can never seem to get past that weird liminal dimension where the sky is yellow and everything smells like sulfur.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Haha! With the amount of early 80s post-punk I'm listening, I'll become a regular ol' goth first. And I'm still waiting for that to happen.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the recommendations. The reason I don't know what EBM sounds like is I haven't found the concept intriguing enough to take a listen, but I suppose I might check those out in the interest of civilizing myself.

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Point of No Return"! I actually have no idea what EBM sounds like. ':D Glad you like it, though. I'm not sure I have more of this stuff in me, but I can try. I'll probably write some actual black metal next, though.

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on ”Procrastination”. Unfortunately lyrics are nothing but the sad truth for me ;)

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Under". I didn't listen to any professional music last year, but when I composed the song it sounded to Tool'ish that I had to team up with somebody who digs this. I'm go happy how it turned out. These are all artificial instruments so I hope that we can replace with real ones and make it sound even heavier.

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comment on „Don’t be sober“ :))

  • @trebled  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to ‘Expendable Me’, and for your kind words! :-)

  • @doggolito Feb 2022

    Thanks again for listening and leaving a comment on "eternal" :D

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind comment!

  • @tuesdaygray Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comment!

  • @frank Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to my MegaMan2 knockoff song, and for the comments!

  • @paulh1237  Feb 2022

    OK - that came together much faster than might have been expected! Have a listen and see what you think - I had to miss a verse out due to my inability to get past the 3 minute mark but I really hope your happy with it! Any feedback just let me know :) - https://files.fawmers.org/FAWM_2022/paulh1237/Alone,%20Undone_CBlack_Paulh1237_Fawm22.mp3

  • @paulh1237  Feb 2022

    Hey - just to let you know I've fleshed out some music to Alone, Undone so I'll try and get it down tonight and send a link over to see what you think :) If there is an email that's best to send it to let me know, otherwise I guess I'll just post a link here!

  • @doggolito Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and leaving a comment on "le noise" :D
    I'm very happy you liked it !

  • @w1n  Feb 2022

    Hi I've started working on the lyrics, I might need to add or replace a few words to make it easier and more natural for me to sing, but nothing that will change the tone or theme of the lyrics.

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your lovely comments on Bad Town :)

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my nerdy gothness :)

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comments on Love is in the air. Happy fawming!

  • @bamsekarhu  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! I'm just using presets from NeuralDSP's Archetype Gojira :p

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on my song, I‘m happy that you liked it :) yes I‘m a minimalist too, throwing things away is easy for me, but the life declutter is more challenging.

  • @eli666 Feb 2022


  • @jessicagraae  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on my lab monkey song. I agree, experimenting on animals is horrible.

  • @mrtylerlarson  Feb 2022

    Hey man! Thx for your comment. we have the same name but we are VERY different. Both legendary musicians, nonetheless. ;-)

  • @samplebandit  Feb 2022

    hey! thanks for your comment on my first fawm track, much appreciated :^)

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    you're welcome. I edited my comment to match!

  • @doggolito Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment and for listening to my first track :D

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Yes, indeed, they're awesome, wouldn't trade them for big manufacturer pedals at this point! If you're interested to know more, here are a couple of links:

    Frank's Spaghetti by Frank Caskelot Effects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aetN4xDl-wA&ab_channel=HMorg
    Shivver by Unsound Circuitry: https://unsoundcircuitry.bigcartel.com/product/shivver

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on Alkutuli, man! :)

    I miked the acoustic guitars with Røde NT1-A. In addition to EQ and compression, I used Cubase's stock plugin REVelation for reverb. The guitar itself is my old crappy Landola acoustic guitar which doesn't hold the tune, so I guess it's perfect for this kind of neofolk :D

    If you're wondering about the distortion guitars, they're played with my Yamaha THR10X table amp going straight to the computer with USB. Both of distortion rhythm guitars are driven through distortion pedals crafted by my friends :) The left channel has Frank's Spaghetti roaring in it, constructed by my Loputon Suo bandmate @hmorg, and Shivver, made by my pal from band called Vainoa, stabbing your ears in the right.

  • @persaab Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment.

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    I don't really have a preferred topic. I tend to do guitar pop/rock kind of stuff, if that helps. But it's all good.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Yup keep the pace you are comfortable with! You get more in the end that way

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    As promised another challenge. https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12395/

  • @w1n  Jan 2022

    I can handle most themes, but maybe stay clear of very political or covid related stuff

  • @w1n  Jan 2022

    Hi cblack
    I guess the best work method for me is writing to music to your lyrics.

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Truer words never spoken!
    Space ship FAWM22 soon to take off.

  • @darcistrutt  Jan 2022

    A fellow tambourine - I'll let you know about a potential collab as we get going. Hope you enjoy a great February!

  • @apolez3  Jan 2022

    Hi, Happy FAWMing 2022!!

  • @judypie  Jan 2022

    Greetings! Hope you have a fun lyrical Fawm!

  • @emplate  Jan 2022

    Hey, man, nice hearing from you! Really eager to start this whole thing, hope you'll have a great FAWM! :)

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    Missed your appearance! Perhaps sanity will return to SA this year...AND I'll watch for lyrics.

  • @songwritingzen  Jan 2022

    I'll see your tambourine and raise you a cabasa... Have a great FAWM mate :)

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Thanks! I'll come back to you if I write something dark!

    Here's the link:

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

    (I think you could use a sprinkle bit more of Katy Perry :D)

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Welcome back! Oooh I dig your musical influences.
    Have you already heard the final of Pyromancer? You should, it's 200% better then the demo I uploaded. I think I'll do more metal this year.