calfman8803 17


62025 US   Feb 2021

Artist Bio

Influences:   Elder, Tool, Monolord, Smashing Pumpkins, anything 90s grunge, etc.

Long time bedroom guitarist and GarageBand dabbler, finally dragged out into the light by @tfish77 for FAWM 2021.

Playing a copper-orange Dean Baby V and trying to do it justice.

2022... my second FAWM, let's go!

Huge fan of heavy psych, playing big fuzzy riffs, and tossing some shiny parts on top.

Favorite tracks written:
FAWM 2021:
The Piper:

FAWM 2022 (so far):

Currently doing a multi-pronged FAWM 22 effort:
1. Some collabs with @tfish77
2. Quick sessions every night just to see what happens.
3. Slowly working on a concept album / EP of slow doom metal a la Sleep or Om...

Hoping to start "finalizing" some of the EP tracks and getting those posted as well.


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  • @silenceinthetemple Mar 2022

    Hi, I just wanted to say thanks so much for the very thoughtful and detailed comments you gave my songs! I truly appreciate it! This FAWM has been a bit of a struggle for me, so the kind words really mean a lot.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "Take The Black". I'm glad you enjoyed the song :)

    I still think that this song is @tfish77 range but it's rather chest voice and not his head voice or belting register. He hit nearly every note perfectly and I enjoyed listening to a different and darker shade. I had to transpose the original draft down by 2 semitones because of the tuning of the bagpipe we are planning to record.

    Haha and yes, not every song has to be 3 minutes. I enjoy writing some epic stuff around 5-8 minutes from time to time.

    P.S. Have you read my comment on your search for snippets? It's on your profile down below.

  • @tfish77  Feb 2022

    Happy to make metal with you any time, because you consistently inspire me to go beyond "metal/vampires/darkness" to "" and I'm loving it.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    I've read your forum post. So you're the guy who did "The Piper". Haha such a cool song last year!
    I got a cool nu metal / synth metal riff and I am stuck. But I don't have the time to collab since I'm having like 20 projects after FAWM (90% multi-collabs lol)... Can you imagine going crazy later the year? Or rocking the guitar and I do the drum and synth programming in some months?!

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your compliments on Löyly vainajille! I'm flattered :)

  • @chrisshepard Feb 2022

    Thank you sooooo much for the kind and very insightful comments! I look forward to having a listen to you!

  • @leka Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting!

  • @tfish77  Feb 2022

    So glad you're here this year! Let's get to work...