bruce butkovich 8


Atlanta US   Feb 2019  

Artist Bio

Influences:   the Fixx, Pink Floyd, John Williams, and 8-bit classic console sounds of a childhood past

Multi-Instrumentalist, Songwriter, Performer, Producer-Engineer. Always chasing the e(il)lusive feeling and melodic flow that will hopefully fill the emptiness or at least bring a fleeting moment of joy. And fart jokes. Everyone likes fart jokes.


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  • @petemurphy  Feb 2022

    Bruce! Hope you're well, my good man!

  • @jaz Feb 2022

    Looking forward to hearing your songs <3

  • @erbaer  Jan 2022

    Hey there Bruce! Have a good FAWM y; all!

  • @teebyrd  Jan 2022

    Bruuuuuuuuce!!! Happy FAWMING brother!!!

  • @carleybaer  Jan 2022

    Bruce is finally FAWMing!! Hooray!!