bractune 9


95621 US   Jan 2009  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Ben Folds, Kansas, Marillion, Tori Amos, Fountains of Wayne, Jellyfish, etc... thirteenth year of FAWM. We will see how this goes....


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  • @jeffjweir Feb 2022

    Thanks much, Dave. I’ve written some pretty different stuff during FAWM time. It’s nice to hear that some of it has worked. We were talking Friday about going to weird chords. That middle chord in The Viking chorus is an F major, even though I’m in the key of of D major. I just read this music theory explanation: “It's a little convoluted, but the key of F has Dm as its relative key, which has a parallel key of D major. Thus it fits!” Yeah, I’ll go with that, lol.
    And I’m glad you thought the synth string line worked . It’s fun when stuff works.

  • @jeffjweir Feb 2022

    Thanks, Dave. That’s really helpful and I think totally right on. I will lose “jerk it off” and keep “take it in the end”.

    And, yes, please send me the “I know everything about you” track and I will happily attempt a vocal. If the “melody” keyboard is a separate track, please include it as well.

  • @jeffjweir Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments on Like a Big Cigar, bud. It’s always nice to hear, “that’s good, put more of it in there.” I will definitely do that. Do you think my lyrics “don’t jerk it off” and “don’t take it in the end” work or are just too much?