Rob C 1


Phuket TH   Feb 2008  

Artist Bio

Songs (1)


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  • @cts  Feb 2022

    Hey Rob. Ugh! I keep forgetting!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Yup, I just recorded it again (not updated) with a ribbon mic and an Audix i5, panned them, put the bass ahead of the kick, and got rid of some compression and that song sounded 20 times heavier. Thanks!!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey thanks for the tip on the bass. You know, usually I tend to sit the bass in front of the kick sonically and this time I think that I put a bit more of the 70-100k, but (even though I know) sometimes that ends up having the opposite effect than what I am going for. The other thing is that I was trying for a sharper (less 70s) bass sound and I think that actually took away from the bass and guitar, too. Trying to mix in this new room has been interesting and I will run into both successes and challenges. Really, I think that I'm going to have to re-record the guitar (and maybe a second), but use a more suitable speaker and mic to get what I'm looking for. Your guitars and everything else always sound so even and balanced. At some point, I may pick your brain about mixing. For some songs I have a good handle on it, but then with others I seem to be fighting against the mix for a variety of reasons. In this case, I think that I have tracks that are fighting for the same sonic territory and I also think that I have too much compression on the tracks when combined with the master gain staging.
    So, when are you going to come out with your annual song(s) with @cts ? Always a highlight for many of us.....

  • @thefuneralcrasher  Jan 2022

    Hi Rob...I might give it a go...I've been very quiet lately, but we can but try...the very best of luck to you!

  • @leepat  Jan 2022

    Hey Rob! Good to see you round! Have a good one

  • @deena  Jan 2022

    Hi Rob! Thanks for your greetings! Looking forward to hearing your wonderful new sounds!! Happy FAWMing 2022 to you!

  • @onewholovesrock Jan 2022

    Hey Rob! Hope all is well!

  • @fonte  Jan 2022

    Hey Rob, do hope to hear your amazing songs this Feb :-) Good luck, hope you find the time!

  • @dreamscuba  Jan 2022

    All good here in twilight land Rob. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into FAWM. We shall see what time I get to do it justice. Have a good busman's holiday.

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Hey brother - nice to hear from ya! All is well and I was just going through my email and apparently I didn't answer you back. I shall rectify that this evening! All ready for the February and I hope you are, too!