Bob "Sky" Young 15


Detroit US   Jan 2010  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Billy Joel, Elton John, Marc Cohn, Jason Isbell, Tom Petty, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Queen, Journey, U2, Yes.

I've been writing songs since 1973 and recording since 1986, currently with Delta Twins (

I try to pen honest, insightful, personal songs that blend classic rock, folk, pop, and blues with a modern twist.

This is my 13th FAWM - the previous ones I completed early. We'll see how it goes this year.

BTW, I usually have a meter/cadence in mind as I write these, and often times a melody as well (that I tend to remember in my head even if I never write it down or record it). I'll make demos as I have time, but no promises.

FYI, these days my demos are simply playing live (usually one take rife with mistakes) into my iPhone using the N-Track Studio app or maybe messing with GarageBand. Add a touch of reverb and voila - I have something to remember what I was thinking when I wrote it. ;)
