blindsheepdog 16


UK   Jan 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Eric Clapton, SRV, Albert, BB and Freddy King, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, The Beatles, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac (both versions), The Kinks, Ray Charles, Otis Redding, The Commitments, Marty McFly, Chuck Berry, John Mayer, Chris Stapleton, Eva Cassidy, Aretha, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray LaMontagne, Dylan, Eminem, Snoop, Dre, Scroobius Pip, AC/DC, GnR

First time FAWMer 2022

Been writing a bit since 2020, but nothing of this….volume (?) before. Managed 16 songs, a good few of which can be fleshed out and polished up into something more complete. But mostly loved learning how to do more things musically as a result of the myriad challenges.

Looking forward to next time

2022 - 16
