bigmood 10


98198 US   Jan 2020  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Duval Timothy, Thundercat, Amy Winehouse, Nai Palm, the Killers, Charlotte Day Wilson

I'm a bassist/vocalist from the PNW, this is my third FAWM! My goal this year is to try new ways of writing songs, and to be open to the stuff I end up making enough to post haha.

Old soundcloud (I ran out of room lol) is, regular insta is @kaeliearle


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  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022


    Thanks for your comment on Crème Brûlée!

  • @splittybooms  Feb 2022

    Hey you had mentioned a collab a while back on one of my tracks, and I apologize for just now responding to that.
    I honestly think I'm spent this FAWM. There's two collabs I'm involved right now, but my part is pretty much done unless I'm notified otherwise. So I get to sit back and let other people work magic.
    I would 100% love to do something with you, as your stuff is friggin awesome. But I'm just afraid I won't be able to bring my A-game for you.
    However...I would still be willing to TRY. Maybe send me some idea and i could play with it? I just dunno if I could start us off, as my creativity is trapped behind of fuzz or whatever in my brain.
    Sorry, not really selling myself well here to someone who's work I admire so much lol
    But yeah, just putting it out there.

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    Wow! Hey Kaeli!
    Thank you so much for checking out my song "The Jynx", the one where I do a little voice acting at the beginning : ) and for the really kind words in your comment, as well as on my little secular hymnal, "The Human Family".

    "The Jynx" was was really hard for me. I haven't ever tried doing something like this and it's pretty far outside my knowledge base. I really like how it turned out though.

    And "The Human Family"... we could probably all use a little hope particularly with some of the crazy that's happened the past few years and that continues.

    Thanks again for taking the time to listen.
    By the way... I absolutely LOVE what you've been posting. Your skillz on the bass and production are amazing! Muah!

    ~ Wren

  • @nuchoyce  Feb 2022

    @bigmood is exactly right. Your music is a BigMood, a whole vibe, and its a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for checking out my music and I am so digging yours!!!

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ha yeah it’s all about the double track vocals eh! I do it cos I can’t sing very well though lol

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comment on „change of weather“. Very happy that you liked it! I’ll hopefully have some time to listen to your songs this weekend :)

  • @abudabard12514  Feb 2022

    Dude, you're amazing! Thank you for saying "oh SHIT!" in that exact way and formatting on my Monkey Shakespeare song, it's exactly how I react to a burnin' solo and it's the EXACT compliment I want to receive.


    Also your music is excellent, please make thousands of lots of it immediately. Permanent thank you.

  • @davidsnyder Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind comment on my Chain Reaction song. I was just listening to some of your tunes. Love them! :)

  • @princesssavania Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out WILDWOMAN! & yesss I’m so down for a collab— I’ve be a fan of your style since last year so I’m geeked you asked

  • @andrewrusse Feb 2022

    Thank you for your listen on Once Again.

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    I have emailed you something....

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    K! Should be with you now :-)

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Hey there. I got a little jam/chord arrangement for ya! Let me know if/how to send :-)

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    Wicked, ok! I'll get my thinking hat on...

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    I see I'm not the first to ask, but if you fancied doing a collaboration of some sort, I would be honoured. I have nothing in mind at the moment, but your music is so brilliant that I felt the urge to reach out. I've got gone very electronic this year yet, but I am starting to scratch that itch if you fancied going that route....

  • @tabitha Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for your comment on Lie in the Folds. You asked what I had meant by the line "I'm a lie in the folds of your life". Originally it was one of those lines out of random stream of consciousness rhyming but it sort of captured a feeling I had that I was unconsciously/ consciously dampening down the person I am around new people I was meeting. In other words, I was providing a slightly dishonest version of myself that slotted into the smaller parts of people's lives if that makes any sense.

    I look forward to seeing what else you write during FAWM!

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Yeahhh got a couple of thoughts/ideas... I may have a play with a few chords on guitar. I’ll reach out on soundcloud or something. I just love the double track vocal thing you doooo by the way!!

  • @wrenarcher  Feb 2022

    This is my second year here at FAWM and I am just now coming across you.

    So Glad I did. The stuff your putting this year is amazing. Your vocal range is crazy wide. Delivery of lyrics so well done and your voice… sublime.

    I’d say you have a fan.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Heyyy. Just listening back to something special. Love it. Very cool vibe, very much my kind of thing - if you’d be open to a collab let me know, might help us both get another track! :-)

  • @altum Feb 2022

    For sure, post it up - I can't wait to hear it!
    The hook from your last track has stuck itself deep in my head by the way... So thanks for that. ¬¬
    Honestly that tune is so good, I've been paying attention to those 3 part harmonies (especially the one panned right) and wanna know how you come up with them. Do you just feel them out or do you sit down and consciously use theory to write them?

  • @ineloquentsd  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind comments on “Silver!”

  • @altum Feb 2022

    Your voice is awesome, very tasty use of harmony and layers too! Thank you for the kind words about my first upload, it really gave me a boost of energy today, and yes I'd love to hear your vocals over it!