Bamse the Friendly Bear 8


02230 FI   Feb 2019

Artist Bio


Interested in trying out various genres and styles, but metal & video game stuff is my main biz.

FAWM 2019 was my first, and kinda kickstarted my songwriting and production. Now I actually make some money composing and producing stuff. Managed 13 songs!

FAWM 2020 I was too busy and managed just 2 songs.

FAWM 2021 I managed a handful, but far from the goal.

This FAWM I'm trying to develop as a producer and songwriter, but not take it too seriously :)

So I mostly use midi for all my work outside vocals and maybe some guitars.

For vocals I use SM7B and Se2200II microphones, running them through UA Apollo Twin with 610-a preamp. Cleans have UA Pultec and LA-2 on the input as well, and vocal mixing chains have a tiny bit of saturation, then a channel strip, a few comps and a de-esser. This applies for both clean and growl!

Oh, and I use Waves vocal rider as the first insert when mixing so I don't have to push the comps that much in metal productions where everything must always be SO FUCKING LOUD :)

I sing in a band called Hanging Garden, and do vocals & production on this geek project Songs of the CVLT on youtube.
