badgag 3


Sheffield UK   Feb 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Walking to Forge Dam.

First FAWM!

Hey I'm Lauren, always liked following FAWM but never set up a page to give it go myself, until now...

My Fiancé (Dan) and I Just having a play around with some lyrics and trying to make a tune out of them.

Instruments used are mainly just the guitars and keyboard in the house.

Songs (3)


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  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your nice words about my "Who's shaking the jar?" song :)

  • @theawkwardsleep Feb 2022

    Keep it coming! We’ll be back. :)

  • @andyt13 Feb 2022

    Alrighty then! :-)

  • @shortdan  Feb 2022

    Welcome to FAWM Lauren! :)

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Hehe no problem there, anything goes! :D Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the level of talent on display by others but I actively tell myself to pipe down! All different levels and all equally valid and welcome here. Have fun! X

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Just lemme know if you need any help or tipzzzz. Not from a musical stand point, I have no idea what I’m doing there. But love writing non the less! :D

  • @judypie  Feb 2022

    Well welcome to Fawm! I hope you enjoy the creative process :D

  • @adforperu  Feb 2022

    Oh wow, hey, long long time no see! Welcome to FAWM :)