Kathryn Hoss 18


Ohio US   Mar 2009


Artist Bio

Influences:   John Denver, Indigo Girls, Maggie Rogers, Sarah Bareilles, Tracy Chapman, Kate Bush, Laurie Anderson, Heart, Suzanne Vega, They Might Be Giants, whatever's currently on the radio, musicals


Welcome 2022! This year I have a theme:


In the last 2 years I've done a ton of past life regression meditations. Are they legit past life memories or dreams concocted by my subconscious? Either way they're interesting stories that I want to tell in song. Along with, of course, whatever random FAWM challenges I end up doing.

I don't know if I'll get much done between mandatory overtime and watching the world burn, but I'm excited to see what y'all come up with this year ️


I'm a multi-instrumentalist from NE Ohio who's been doing FAWM for 10+ years. My main songwriting instrument is the ukulele (baritone, electric, and banjo-) but you might hear an accordion, psaltery, or dinky novelty instrument in there this year. I'm married to @violetwhim who doesn't participate much on the site but may collaborate on a song or two.

Constructive feedback on my mixes is welcome! Just don't critique my songwriting or musicianship bc I am sensitive artist :0


Update 3/1: Thank you all for joining me this FAWM! I'll be trying to spend a good chunk of time this week catching up on everyone's else's songs, so feel free to still talk to me on here <3

Songs (18)

#1 Creation Myth 20
Feb 2022
#2 Check My Bags 21
Feb 2022
#3 First Thing That I Made 14
Feb 2022
#4 Ravines 6
Feb 2022
#5 Everything Falls Down 7
Feb 2022
#6 People With Halos (No Angel) 6
Feb 2022
#7 Valentine (Candy Hearts) 10
Feb 2022
#8 Meet You in Another Life 7
Feb 2022
#9 Radko's Son 3
Feb 2022
#10 The Girl From Baikal 4
Feb 2022
#11 The One Where We Accidentally Had 12 Babies 4
Feb 2022
#12 Two Scythes 3
Feb 2022
#13 Sun Sets Over the Rhine 4
Feb 2022
#14 As Close To Heaven I'll Be 2
Feb 2022
#15 Dutch Ophelia 1
Feb 2022
#16 Teeth Around a Dove 2
Feb 2022
#17 Sunflower 3
Feb 2022
#18 The Dance 2
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @wrenarcher  Mar 2022

    Hi Kathryn. Thanks for listening to my song, "The Eclipse" and for leaving a comment. That one was pretty hard to write and record.

    Take care.

  • @chroes  Mar 2022

    Hello there, thank you for your comment on "Rootless". Yes, it's a bit of a painful one. Thanks for finding such kind words to encourage me!

  • @ofishell  Mar 2022

    I am SO sorry that I didn't get anything together for us this year...I ran out of time at the end of the month, and didn't have enough ideas at the beginning of the month (bad combo). Fingers crossed for next year! BUT, I did get 4 male duets done, which was high on my list, so I'm happy about that!

    I've got a lot of yours to get caught up on!! Congrats on crushing it this year!!

  • @chroes  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the music. I'll just go and look for some tissues now, I think I got something in the eye.

  • @ofishell  Feb 2022

    Hoss! I have not forgotten that we are still meant to do a duet this year! Trying to work something out that will be a good one for us. :-) Loving what you've done this year, and so happy for you that you are just about at the finish line!

  • @valeriecox  Feb 2022

    The starseed thing is just a small bit of what was discovered from Delores Cannon's work. She was actually a hypnotherapist who specialized in past life regression. Very interesting.

  • @franniezest  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my song :)

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind words on Temporal Drifter :)

  • @beat  Feb 2022

    Thx for listening and writing.

  • @ofishell  Feb 2022

    I hadn't thought about the Dowager song in so long...I'll have to fire up the old computer to find that nugget and give it another listen! I will always be fond of our "When We Were Young and Gay" collab. :-)

    I'm really struggling with lyrics (and just songwriting in general), but I'll see what I can get together. Fingers crossed!

  • @vivalarayna Feb 2022

    Lol, yeah... the stench of narcissism was pretty overpowering in my household. Thanks for your kind comments!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked my skirmish song "Too Much Baggage"

  • @taracraig  Feb 2022

    sounds like paradise to me

  • @valeriecox  Feb 2022

    Maybe I have lives the cavelife. The only past life thing I've ever seen may me a form believer that I am an old Earth soul. I actually ended up seeing to the very beginning of Earth. Literally the primordial ooze. It was surreal, but I felt the deepest connection to this planet. Very strange, yet very moving.

  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022

    It’s a great show, I was in it a couple times when I was a kid. It’s similar, but still unique!

  • @persaab Feb 2022

    Thank you for the comment.

  • @ofishell  Feb 2022

    Looking forward to hearing what you come up with again this year, Hoss! I, too, am not sure what I'll accomplish, but I hope to have a better showing (and better overall attitude) than I did last year. :-)

    Mayhap we can make a collab work again?

  • @gflatminor  Jan 2022

    Hey Kathryn! Thanks for the trippy archtype hand, this should be fun. I look forward to hearing some past life dreams.

  • @erbaer  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM and thanks for dealing the cards!

  • @valeriecox  Jan 2022

    Past Life Dreams is a super interesting and I'm sure muse inducing topic. Should be great! I've done a few past life regression meditations, but I never really had any luck with it, but I'm still convinced we all do have past lives which may or may not influence our current lives.

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Hey there! Thanks! I'm so glad to see you are back as well! And I love your theme!! Can't wait to hear what songs emerge from your experiences. :)

  • @debs  Jan 2022

    Love your theme! :)

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    So creepy that pull for my challenge....felt very personal and real....but thanks anyway, guess I'm writing about myself!! LOL!!!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Rats, I just heard that Work In Progress was not renewed. :(

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    You are an inspiration and am so looking forward to your creations!!

  • @rwhosings  Jan 2022

    Hi! Second FAWM, actually. I'm excited to be back.

  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    That sounds great! Let's collaborate on #BinauralBeans! :)

  • @rwhosings  Jan 2022

    Hi! Love your theme for this year, and I cant wait to see what comes out of it!

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Hey, really looking forward to your music this year too. I listened to quite a lot of your board last FAWM but it was in March and I didn't comment on everything I heard. Oh my gosh there are only so many hours in the day! And then the site closed early. Anyway, have a great FAWM!

  • @emkaydeebee  Jan 2022

    Hey! Sure! I’ll drop you an email about it if you like? Save me writing an essay here!

  • @chroes  Jan 2022

    Hello there and happy FAWMing!

  • @alyxanderjames  Jan 2022

    Kathryn! Glad to see you back this year and looking forward to hearing what you come up with, this theme sounds fascinating.

  • @ryuu  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing to you!

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    I go for "dreams concocted by my subconscious", myself, but I await with interest!