apauls 14


17602 US   Feb 2019


Artist Bio

Influences:   Bob Dylan, Hank Williams, Joni Mitchell, Mandolin Orange/Watchhouse, The Tallest Man on Earth, Hiss Golden Messenger, Fruit Bats, Jason Isbell, Mr. Rogers

Year #4

Still out here looking for witty turns-of-phrase and sweet melodies.
This year, I'm working on an exciting project with my brother, a potter and illustrator. For every song I write, he is going to interpret it through an illustration on one of his mugs. I'm really excited to see what comes of this aural/visual collaboration and I'll see if I can figure out how to attach pictures to songs I write. Give me a follow on IG to, well, follow the journey.

Other than that, here is my creative manifesto for this year, in bullet points:
- Process over perfection
- Run with it, even if it's weird
- Go with your gut

Be my neighbor? https://www.instagram.com/andrewpaulsmusic/



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  • @timlaborie Feb 2022

    Found potterpauls on IG. Fun cups! I'll look for his website next.

  • @dvdshnsmth Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening :)

  • @pumpkinhead Feb 2022

    Thanks for the compliments. If I had the nerve I would wear a skirt all the time but I do live in Swedish Texas so I would have my ass kicked sooner or later. Video skirt is good enough for me even though I wore quite some times when I lived in Stockholm. :)

  • @dvdshnsmth Feb 2022

    Thank u for listening !

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words. Very flattering coming from a talent like yourself.

  • @angelinapowersuit Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for listening/commenting on “No One Else to Blame.” I’ll take Lucinda any day and prob getting closer to her gravelly quality with each passing year. I guess good things do come with age ;-)

  • @breezyanna  Feb 2022

    I keep coming back hoping for more songs. ^_^. If you have any music out elsewhere I’d love to turn in.

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    Hey Andrew, I remember you from our last live PASA Cover Me show, at my house.. Beautiful work here. Look forward to hearing more.