angelinapowersuit 8


11215 US   Feb 2010

Artist Bio

Influences:   Old-school: Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Carole King, Beatles, Tom Petty, The Police, Star Wars soundtrack, The Cure, Squeeze, Led Zeppelin Somewhere In Between: Liz Phair, Kathleen Edwards, Lucinda Williams, Elliott Smith, Patty Griffin, Edie Brickell, Steve Earle, Doug Martsch, Steve Malkmus, Aimee Mann, Juana Molina, Gillian Welch & David Rawlings, Erin McKeown, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Cat Power, Tegan & Sara Current: Adrianne Lenker, Waxahatchee, Cassandra Jenkins, Japanese Breakfast, Brandi Carlile, Alexi Murdoch, First Aid Kit, Avett Brothers, Laura Marling, Big Thief, Hayley Hendrickx, Phoebe Bridgers, Imogen Heap, Kate Davis, Jenny Lewis, Lucy Dacus, Angelo De Augustine, Lizzo of course, and oh how I love Taylor Swift!

Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter, Angel in a Power Suit.

FAWM 22 -Hiya. I missed last year. I didn't think I had it in me to do it this year either. But then @mikeskliar rang me up and got me thinking that maybe it's possible. So last night I sat down and actually wrote a song. I did it! So here we go. . . I'll post it as soon as I remember how, haha. And maybe even another one :-) On another note - can't wait to hear some muuuuuusic!

2/17 - hey everyone, just finished up my 5th song which may be last before I leave for vaca this weekend. However, I'm going to try to sneak one more in somewhere. . . also want to let you know that I'll be catching up on responses and listening to everyone's stuff next week while sunbathing. Can't wait!


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  • @sync  Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening! I enjoyed perusing your songs during MALM! My fav was Sit. Interesting that you didn't think you were gonna do it at all this year, then did some really great and thoughtful songs, then thought you were done before vaca, then came back and did two more - maybe the best. :D It was also like time travel for me to go down the list and you're gone for a week, but 10secs later, you're back! With a weeks worth of new experiences and emotions to draw from... Thanks for sharing, I'm glad you decided to!

  • @matthew62  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments regarding Different sides of the same ride. Much appreciated.

  • @octaviankelp Mar 2022

    Thanks for your very nice comment on Breath of the Elders.

  • @matthew62  Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening to slowly and stormy weather. I appreciate the kind comments.

  • @kenficara  Mar 2022

    Ange, thank you so much for your thoughtful comments and careful listening. Miss you!

  • @serene123  Mar 2022

    Hello fellow Swiftie!! Thanks for your lovely comment on my valentine's song

  • @chrisshepard Mar 2022

    Thanks for the very kind comments! You have to listen very closely to the end of the 3rd or 4th repeated skip. My cat was in the room when I recorded so, it comes around again every once in a while as a tiny "ow!" at the end of a crescendo!

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    I have to give credit to my friend Mark who came up with Mandolinda. He said I need to give credit to him, when I am rich and famous. And it is snowing here today again.

  • @psyt Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comments on Etudes 14 & 16. :)

  • @mikeskliar  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on the Neil song. I still need to listen to several of yours here!!! Meanwhile I’m up to my usual tricks again with bandcamp, feel free to download and give a listen would love to hear what you think …

  • @davidsnyder Mar 2022

    Thanks for you kind comments! This week is catchup for me, and I will be responding more thoroughly and listening to more of YOU! :) Bear with me. I will get there!! :)

  • @kenficara  Mar 2022

    Thank you, Ange, your comments mean a lot. And no, I don't have any lyrical ideas for the last instrumental -- I hadn't even really intended to post a 13th song at all. :)

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for listening and responding to my songs, and for making FAWM such a welcoming and interesting place to be. I'm so glad @mikeskliar got you to come back this year.

  • @cloudboy  Mar 2022

    Thanks for taking a listen to "Be Late. It's Raining.". I'm trying to make that my mantra going forward. More so the "be late" part - when appropriate. "It's raining" is the excuse for being late. Which I shouldn't need. :) Double drop d is lowering both the high/low "E" strings to D (D-A-D-G-B-D). From what I understand is different from drop d (D-A-D-G-B-E). At least that's what my old guitar teacher taught me. There could be an error.

  • @mikehex  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen on "To Dust". Yeah, it's not exactly an optimistic lyric, but not without hope either. Appreciating the now is always good advice

  • @dukemeyer  Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your lovely comment to my Dripstone-Troll song! Your willingness to listen to me "in any language" is one of the most awesome compliments I ever got. :-)

  • @tan482  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for listening to and commenting on "Midlife Wizardry". It was soo much fun to create this one - lots of laughing! I will endeavour to listen to some of your songs this month :-)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Thanks! There's a reverb pedal on one mic insert I recorded him with, but that was more to cover up my terrible harmonica playing :D He's got great pitch, much better than mine... he tends to give me a strange look when I hit a sour note, but give him a sustaining F# or G and he will belt it out lol. He gets excited when he even sees a harmonica anymore... just have to give one a quick toot and he'll come running even if he's dead asleep. I should actually learn how to play the thing someday.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Ahhh the Rubix cube. That was all the rage when I was in college and I recognized defeat early on. Interesting analogy that could befuddle a monkey mind.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Hi Angelina thanks so much for commenting on three of my songs! Especially the kind words about my experimental approach to cello. What follows is in case the 'what the heck is a monkey mind' comment/question was not rhetorical. The short answer is for me, monkey mind (aka Yekkey) is the part of my brain that keeps going on and on keeping me awake when I am trying to sleep, that distracts from what I am doing if I am less than focused, but also comes up with great song ideas seemingly out of nowhere.

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Hey Angelina! Thank for you for your kind words on Revival! Dunno where that came from! I'm the least religious person I know. :) The time sig on that one is 12/8. Yeah, I checked that word before using it because it was not familiar to me either!

    rejuvenescence - the renewal of youth or vitality

    Glad I could convert you to my new religion! :) Hey, we should start a cult!?!?

  • @halfwayhome  Mar 2022

    Jumping in at the deep end there with Silent Cipher, well done for making it out the other side!
    @adamdale78 gifted me the lines: 'A dirty soul, a rich ambition, not to be the one to fade, You will end up drowned in your own waves'. The rest of the words sort of found themselves. I tried to lose them again in the mix....

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Oh, I'm so glad you like them. I know what you're saying about Baby. Definitely see what comes out when you sing it. In my house, I mostly use Sweetie for my kids, but it feels like I might say, "Oh, Baby" when things are really tough for them, and it doesn't feel like there's anything I can do. Anyway, you'll figure it out. My email is [email protected] in case you need it.

    (Oh and you asked about that expression Angels Counting Pin - I made it up as a exuberant jumbling of Counting the angels who could fit(dance?) on the head of a pin)

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Hey, Angelina Angel - I get it. I think poured down is a good phrase for the storm,,,Bet I was just reading the lyrics on the page and jumping to conclusions. Hey, I kind of co-wrote a song with you today...I was scrolling facebook and found a post about parenting big kids and your song The Kids was still tumbling around in my head, and these lyrics poured down. You may think you've already got all the kittens you want, but just in case....This one could definitely be yours.

    Baby, This is Your Life

    Baby I won't post it
    All those things you said
    Baby, I won't post it
    How 'bout cinnamon toast instead

    Cause, Baby, this is your life
    Baby, you're in charge
    Baby, this is your life
    And some days
    Life's just hard

    Just listen, I was your age
    Have I told you about that time
    Baby, when I was your age
    Nah, scratch that, never mind

    Cause Baby, this is your life
    And, Baby, you're in charge
    Baby, this is your life
    And some days
    Life's so hard

    So many decisions
    So much goes so wrong
    So much you just can't know
    'til you knew it all along

    Cause, Baby, this is your life
    Baby, you're in charge
    Baby, this is your life
    And some days
    Life's this hard

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    Since FAWM 2019 I've been banging away at creating a song for every chemical element in the periodic table. That task is finally complete! Polonium (to which you listened) is part of that really ridiculous series. Now I have to collect all my recordings in that set of 97 songs, re-record and/or fix up some of them, and then put them all out there!

  • @kenficara  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Ange — I’m good at lyrics but I feel like mine are baseball bats whereas yours are scalpels. And you owe me a park jam session or song swap! Hopefully I will have guitar callouses again by that time.

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    I like reading your handle as Angelina Powersuit. I think Oh, Angelina Powersuit is in Hawaii with her daughter and maybe her mother, and is probably too busy to work on songs much, but maybe we can write together some time (Of course Angel is also a great name, like Wonder Woman and Diana Prince). Thanks for all your comments. So happy to have stumbled into the super skirmish wormhole.

  • @george Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening and your kind words! Hope you are having a fab vacation.

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    Hi Ange -- sorry about the trouble with the songs but I have moved them all to Soundcloud and they work now. And yes I miss our circle very much. Maybe in the park when the weather gets nice!

  • @frey Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment!! Haha. The Wendigo is a Canadian folklore beast that lives in the forest and eats people, it's often depicted as kind of a humanoid deer

  • @erelpi10 Feb 2022

    Good seeing you too! Glad you decided to take part this year.

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your great comment on Silver Moonlight. I'm always fascinated by how others react to my music. I'm a Blade Runner fan (been watching Black Lotus recently), so maybe that might have subconsciously seeped into this :D

    As for kids, well, they're our greatest joy & our greatest challenge. The reward for being a parent is a deep love & a head full of grey hairs :) I can certainly understand how singing about your kids can be draining.

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    Hi Ange! It’s been a long time but it’s really good to hear your writing and singing again.

  • @lmr  Feb 2022

    Thanks for stopping by and listening to my 10x10, it was fun to do. No one else to blame is really awesome by the way. Great writing and what a great hook!

  • @kvnwoodruff  Feb 2022

    You have an awesome thing going here so far. Excited to hear what else you have coming! Thank you for the nice comment - I’m a very big ES fan and was feeling especially inspired at that moment in time.

  • @nobodyofficial Feb 2022

    And for Joga Bonito! More trumpet leads coming...

  • @nobodyofficial Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind words for Gently Falling, I agree it’s a rainy/snowy day jam for sure.

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    we could get everyone doing it ha ha

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    Thats a great idea about a will, i think i might try if you don't mind me pinching your idea, i will credit you!

  • @slawbleu  Feb 2022

    Ask and you shall receive! :) Just put another one up.

  • @themelgoexperience  Feb 2022

    thanks so much for your kind words on "I Don't Wanna Be Without You". Cheers and happy FAWM!

  • @vegansongs  Feb 2022

    Thank you kindly for your comments on Square one. Nice to get acquainted with a new fawmily member!

  • @deathboy  Feb 2022

    fwiw, the power suit seems to be pretty rad. x

  • @johnstaples  Feb 2022

    Hey angelinapowersuit! You're back! We missed you last year!