Andy Toomey 35


Jacksonvil US   Feb 2016  

Artist Bio

Influences:   All

A polyglot polymath from NYC who settled in Jacksonville after a year of traveling the world. Loves sailing, writing, language, science, martial art, fine art and making music. 7th year doing both RPM and FAWM. Come & follow me?

Songs (35)

#1 When Will UB Satisfied 12
Feb 2022
#2 Tijuana Tuesday 6
Feb 2022
#3 It Really Hit The Fan 10
Feb 2022
#4 Oo Dat's Nice! 7
Feb 2022
#5 Smokey 3
Feb 2022
#6 The Logic Mill 8
Feb 2022
#7 FiddleeDee 4
Feb 2022
#8 I Do 2
Feb 2022
#9 See You Around 5
Feb 2022
#10 Bifanas in Lisbon 3
Feb 2022
#11 Capetown 2
Feb 2022
#12 Suddenly/Makeup 3
Feb 2022
#13 7AM 2
Feb 2022
#14 Tennessee 7
Feb 2022
#15 Breakthrough 4
Feb 2022
#16 Full Throttle 5
Feb 2022
#17 FANK @codeenergy 6
Feb 2022
#18 Dude 2 Do Dat @codeenergy 3
Feb 2022
#19 Falling Down Pt II @codeenergy 3
Feb 2022
#20 NO @codeenergy 3
Feb 2022
#21 Mush Mouth @codeenergy 5
Feb 2022
#22 Code @codeenergy 2
Feb 2022
#23 Fat Boi Thud @codeenergy 1
Feb 2022
#24 Saw Down @codeenergy 4
Feb 2022
#25 On The Upside 7
Feb 2022
#26 Tell Me Tell Me Why @eargoggle  7
Feb 2022
#27 Just The Gun 2
Feb 2022
#28 Just Cuz 2
Feb 2022
#29 Walter 2
Feb 2022
#30 The Misery 3
Feb 2022
#31 The King Of Spain 3
Feb 2022
#32 Margaret 2
Feb 2022
#33 Gotta Be You 2
Feb 2022
#34 Yeet Of The Century 2
Feb 2022
#35 Bye Tom 3
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @andyt13 Feb 2022

    @deena @ajna1960 @theawkwardsleep @nadine @frank @fonte @highmountain @slightlydrunk @kirjis @eargoggle @codeenergy Thanks for all your nice comments y'all!

  • @andyt13 Feb 2022

    @fonte thanks!

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Wow have to say your quality and quantity of output is CRAZY!! So good. I need to set some time aside to go through it allllll!!!

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    Hi Andy :) I am happy for you to collab on Stone Cold Choke Hold for FAWM, but I do intend to send it to someone (a co-writer I work with who's not on FAWM) when FAWM finishes, so it would have to be 'just for FAWM'. If that's ok with you, then let me know and go with it !
    Also, if you wish to change any of it, please check with me first :) Cheers and slaínte !

  • @kirjis Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments! May your nights be clown free!

  • @slightlydrunk  Feb 2022

    So long, and thanks for all the fish!

  • @highmountain Feb 2022

    Howdy! Thanks for your Burning in hell remarks! They will turn the temperature down some notches.

  • @frank Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Jazz Hands". And congrats on breaking the 14 mark before the month is even half done - that's impressive!

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Hey Andy,
    thanks for your comment and offer on "Under". I'm glad you enjoyed! Which instruments do you play and can you please show me one of your heavier songs?
    Yes, the song is short, but I don't feel like it needed more parts. I have to talk to Chris anyway.

  • @eargoggle  Feb 2022

    Yeah! Let’s do something! I’m into it…hit me up, I think I had your email a couple years ago but I forget-
    [email protected]

  • @andyt13 Feb 2022

    @theawkwardsleep I feel you! Next year then!

  • @theawkwardsleep Feb 2022

    Oh, I’d love to say yes to a collab but I’m already so swamped. I’m in grad school on top of finishing an two year endeavor of an album. It’s never ending!

    Let’s do it hopefully next year?!

  • @deena  Feb 2022

    Hello! Thanks for listening to my song. I came here to see what you are up to. Wait a minute - how did you write four songs, already?! going to listen now!