altum 6


London UK   Feb 2022

Artist Bio

Here goes my first ever FAWM! Just trying to make some progressive instrumental music.
I'm an eternal procrastinator so hopefully this month will force me out of that loop!
I'm from London originally but have been travelling the last few years so my setup is very minimal - just a mini midi keyboard and a laptop.
I've been a guitarist for quite a few years but this is my first attempt at producing my own music.
It's a steep learning-curve so I'm just trying to enjoy the experience, grow, and hopefully contribute something.


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  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Hope to see you back here next year, when hopefully you'll have more time to create music. I was sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather. It's never easy losing someone special, no matter at what age. Life is always too short. Hang around for a bit, if you can, in March. A lot of us listen and comment on songs after FAWM, when the push to get your owns songs is over. Hope you enjoyed your first FAWM in spite of everything. :)

  • @arthurrossi Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind words on the "Venetian" song...

  • @bigmood Feb 2022

    hey, posted the collab! hope you like it, it's not totally kosher to write songs about digestive issues but there ya have it, it's what i've been struggling with lately lol. Anyway, I tried to do your tune justice:)

  • @headfirstonly  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked The Alchemist. Pitch bend on Spitfire's "Aperture: The Stack" and their free LABS "Amped Cellos" will get you that sound. The LABS stuff is fantastic, and an endless source of inspiration.

  • @bigmood Feb 2022

    Aw shucks thanks!! I'll generally feel it out, sometimes if there's a really thick or complex harmony I'll actually use theory but I prefer trial and error when it comes to vocal harms haha

  • @bigmood Feb 2022

    Hey yeah, would love to hear what you got!! I started writing something over exile actually, would it be ok if i posted as a collab?

  • @bigmood Feb 2022

    Hey yeah, would love to hear what you got!! I started writing something over exile actually, would it be ok if posted as a collab?

  • @tretopcarter  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comment on my new track. I absolutely love the two tracks you put out so far. Totally up my alley. Looking forward to hear more!

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    You are more than welcome. :-)
    Now stop procrastinating and write another one! ;-)

  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022

    Welcome to the FAWMily! It's a super great way to kick the procrastination least temporarily. :p

  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Welcome to FAWM!!!

  • @bobjestes  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked ‘Crastination’! I hope you find the FAWM challenge an inspiring one that helps you get past whatever might keep you from writing. Looking forward to hearing your songs.

  • @wobbiewobbit  Feb 2022

    welcome. i am also in london. hope you can break through your procrastination. have a great fawm