John Alex Cook 16


Frederick, US   Feb 2021  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Bruce Springsteen, John Prine, Jason Isbell, Evan Felker, Steve Earle

Singer/Songwriter based on Frederick Maryland - Last year FAWM contributed a lot to the album I released last August - I'M BACK FOR A SECOND GO!

Look forward to seeing what everyone has!


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  • @sarahk Mar 2022

    I got a YouTube video up for Lip Service. Check it out if you like.

  • @lenigmusx1  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind words on “Red Smoke Rising”. When I have an idea hit I have a very seem less set up. I have templates for style in Pro Tools so I can just pull up a “Metal” template and go. I just plug in my guitar and work. I used Steven Slate drums played them with my sample pad pro… I played everything though. Slate drums make workflow great. A lot of times I will retrack them but sometimes I will just dump them to audio tracks and mix them as if they were analog drums. Hell I can’t even tell when I play them with my electronic drums. Anyway that’s how I can work that fast!

  • @b3nut  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments!

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Feb 2022

    Howdy John. The "old time sound" of Sierra Mountain Moon is Not mine. It is an old-time radio song from the 1920s. Peruse