adambeiter 14


Potsdam, NY US   Feb 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Fleet Foxes, Indigo Girls, Yasmin Williams, Labi Siffre, Joni Mitchell, Stevie Wonder, Jacob Collier, Billy Joel, Bruce Hornsby, Elton John, Bob Dylan, Gord Downie, Stephen Sondheim, Ludwig van Beethoven, Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Aaron Copland

Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, human being. Currently studying at the Crane School of Music.


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  • @margoinmadison  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments. I use Soundcloud mostly only for FAWM. If you want to listen, my albums are at

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Running Out of Time'!

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    Oh, Sophie for sure. I’m never quite sure where the line is — I like a lot of the more popular artists that started in the 90s like Kruder&Dorfmeister, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Underworld, etc. Grimes, although not lately; some of the more minimalist hip-hop, like Stormzy for instance, Arca released three albums this year that are pretty amazing (KICK i, ii and iii).

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    welcome to fawm! another NYC resident here, and I'll have to get busy and check out your songs- just heard a bit of of 'infrastructure' and it's totally amazing, but need to listen more before I comment! great stuff!

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    Oh and any recommendations for experimental EDM artists? Ellen Alien has something new out….

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    Hi — thanks so much for your comments. I’m glad you liked the harmonica on “Progress” — and that synth break you liked on snowflake is harmonica too, sampled and mangled in a Kaoss Pad.

  • @karan  Feb 2022

    You will absolutely ROCK the Brahms requiem! Your voice is mindblowingly beautiful and versatile.

  • @audrey  Feb 2022

    Hi, welcome to FAWM. I second what kenmattsson wrote. My first year on FAWM, I didn't check out the forums and didn't listen to many songs by others. I also didn't get much out of the experience. But now I look forward to FAWM every year. It's all about how much you participate. This is my 6th FAWM and I feel I know people here now, even though I only chat with them a bit once a year. I also learn something new every year in the forums here to improve my songwriting. You'll also find a fair bit of humour in some forums. And I don't know if Dragondreams will do another FAWM party this year, but that"s always fun. He records a great bassline with music over which he invites FAWMers to 'join in the party' and add what they like. The final edit is a very entertaining 'party' of music and jokes to listen to. A great souvenir too to download. Anyway, happy FAWMing!

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    You're welcome and thanks for the compliment! Just keep commenting on others' song and more people will comment on yours.