Aaron Nathans 14


19014 US   Jan 2007


Artist Bio

Influences:   Counter Culture, Peet's, Folger's, Starbucks, Fogbuster, Small World, Atomic, Dunkin'. Neil Diamond.

Winner of the 2020 South Florida Folk Festival songwriting contest!

Songs (14)

#1 Single-Line Letter 11
Feb 2022
#2 When Dad Made Dinner 6
Feb 2022
#3 Who's the Grey Cat? 3
Feb 2022
#4 Flatbush Sunset 5
Feb 2022
#5 Shut Up, Gus 5
Feb 2022
#6 Never Have I Ever 7
Feb 2022
#7 California Song (with Nick Donnoli) 4
Feb 2022
#8 Zoom Shirt 4
Feb 2022
#9 Good Things 3
Feb 2022
#10 Drop Everything 1
Feb 2022
#11 Then I Woke Up @nancyrost  9
Feb 2022
#12 Dr. Joelson's Bag 3
Feb 2022
#13 Ode De Joy 4
Feb 2022
#14 Ask For Help 3
Feb 2022


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  • @bethdesombre  Mar 2022

    Woo hoo!! Fourteen songs!

  • @hoppiern  Feb 2022

    Yay!! Congratulations on 14!!

  • @natrin  Feb 2022

    Congrats on finishing!

  • @emkeev Feb 2022

    Ey congrats!

  • @bethdesombre  Feb 2022

    So close! You can make it to 14!!! (I'm looking forward on catching up on the ones I haven't yet heard).

  • @mikegtz  Jan 2022

    Great to see you here, Aaron and I will be tuning in to your songs.

  • @eas3637  Jan 2022

    Glad you're back, Aaron - look forward to hearing your songs!

  • @philhenry  Jan 2022

    Hello, friend! :)