Wobbie Wobbit 18


London UK   Feb 2012


Artist Bio

Influences:   Flight of the Conchords, Ian Dury, The Wombles, Madness, Tim Minchin, Tom Lehrer, Robbie Williams, Victorian Music Hall, Blur, Kirsty McColl, Art Brut, Adam and the Ants, The Two Ronnies, Pink Floyd/Syd Barrett, Spike Milligan, Dr Seuss, Stiff Little Fingers, The Simpsons, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Bernard Cribbins, Monty Python, Graham Fellows (John Shuttleworth), Bill Bailey

2022 is my 11th FAWM, and I have done the 50/90 10 times. Have made it past 14 the last 3 years.
I write some comedy songs, some just whatever songs (most usually have a "gentle humour"), sometimes a kids' song and maybe some short instrumentals and sketches. I like writing songs about everyday things.
Some songs are recording-only songs that I couldn't possibly do live but I also try to get some "keepers" for live gigs (where I perform mostly in the context of comedy nights with "original comedy singalong songs" or my favourite gigs - with friends round a campfire)
I have no idea what will come out of this month and I'm looking forward to some games, skirmishes and challenges.
Most of all I just like being part of it.


songs from previous FAWMs and 50/90s are on my website:


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @b3nut  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much wobbie!

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Thanks Wobbie. You've been so kind and I know you were thinking of me. I'll update more people on Tuesday.

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Wobbie, just wanted to let you know that my father passed yesterday afternoon, and I was with him when it happened. It's a relief that he's not in pain anymore. I'm okay.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thank you, Wobbie! :) I enjoyed your Hardcore Parkour on YouTube. Needed the smile!!

  • @rollasoc  Mar 2022

    Yes it is fine to include it (Suspended in the fearful dark) on the spoken word album. Credit as Rollasoc. Any money you make, keep, since I just did drums so not melody or lyrics. Unless you make millions, then buy me a beer or three!!!!

  • @marvsmooth Mar 2022

    Which piece are you on about, Wobbie?

  • @vomvorton  Mar 2022

    Hey! Yep absolutely fine with me!

  • @serene123  Mar 2022

    Hi Wobbie.. I've just heard two of your awesome songs on Pippa's radio show and when she said you were in London I thought I'd come and ask where in London you are based and also where you gig as I'm in London too..

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Hi Wobbie! Thank you for your comment on the multi-collab ‘Skyscraper’ :) it was a lot of fun for me to try and sing the Eurovision style!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for listening to "Skyscraper". I can relate to the key change. You always wait for this magic moment to fail or be epic. I'm happy you enjoyed this song.

  • @nahlej381  Mar 2022

    Awesome! Thanks wobbie! I love all of your creations so much! It’d be an honor to jam with you!

  • @gordon  Mar 2022

    Hi Wobbie, thanks for your comments and also for such wonderful songs this year. Always a pleasure to listen to your quirky takes on life.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Hey Wobbie, thanks a lot for listening and commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed "How are you" and it will be more epic when finished :) its been fun to listen to FAWMtalk yesterday!

  • @zeekle1998  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments on Bertha Boronda. @tunecat did an awesome job with it.

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Thanks for busting my “go to sleep” zong!!

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    "Real West End Feel!" thank you! What a compliment. On my side of the pond, I was thinking "Broadway Show Tune!" :). So glad you liked In Love All Alone. Georgie and Gwyn made it happen, and I am delighted.

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Wobbie. Means a lot to have your encouragement.

  • @tabitha Feb 2022

    Hi Wobbie, thanks for chatting to be over zoom for radio a few weeks ago - sorry it has taken a while for me to get the link to you. The editing is a bit rough around the edges I'm afraid as it had to be done quickly in time for a deadline, but here is the link if you want it //accessmedia.nz/Player.aspx?eid=485a44ac-7bd0-4073-9aa0-d023c52048cb

    There are only short sections taken from each interview due to the time limit but I'll include the rest in podcasts on songwriting over the next wee while.

    I hope you have a productive rest of your FAWM!

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and the lovely comments on Shangri-La :)

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022


  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hey @wobbiewobbit - hope you're ok. Thanks for the nice feedback about my "Who's shaking the jar?" song. That was a lot of fun to do.

    I'm almost ready to send you the 4-track tape - so I'll need your postal address please. Can you send it me by email please? (Link at top of my profile). Thanks m'dear.

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    Sorry for my predictive text!!!

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    Hey Winnie!! Thanks for dropping by. Not quite into my flow yet but really appreciated your comment on the groovy little groove I wrote . Tim tok eh?? Yes tgat would be ver worth looking into! I’ve got about a hundred of these- the ones that are hooky- saved as I can’t bear to delete them.

  • @aprilm Feb 2022

    Yes - you are the first to hear the words and music together - thanks for listening and sharing your kind words! I'm very pleased with how the music brings the words to life

  • @gwyn1234  Feb 2022

    Many, many thanks for the listen and your kind and encouraging words...

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    but i always was :-)

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Ayyyy wobbie good to hear you again!

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. I like Wordle. Radio holds a special place for me. I used to design them.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on my new rock opera song!

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on week 1 challenge song!

  • @cabinmonster  Feb 2022

    I just posted my first song. Just realised that even if I tag you on my soundboard it doesn't notify you. Got my first one out there anyway. Many thanks again for helping me get over that first little hurdle.

  • @bradbrubaker  Feb 2022

    I just listened to "I'm Not a Cat" and teared up with laughter. Nice to relive that internet story. (Not sure I listened during FAWM last year or not??)

  • @keithcuts  Feb 2022

    Hey Wobbie you’re a star

  • @jwhanberry  Jan 2022

    On your marks.....Get set.....Watch out, here it comes!

    Have a fantastic FAWM my friend.

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hey! Glad that time works, here is the Zoom link. 7.30 pm Thursday GMT which is 8.30 am Friday NZDT. Let me know if you have any problems with it. Look forward to chatting!

    Tabitha Littlejohn is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 729 9136 1723
    Passcode: iH6fit

  • @prsongsmith  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! Hope we can reprise the wonderful weekly open-mic nights this time!

  • @mikeb  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM 2022, Wobbie!

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hey hey, sorry it has taken me a bit to get back to you about an interview time! How would 7.30 pm your time be on Thursday? If that's all good I'll send you a Zoom link.

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Hi Wobbie!! So glad to see you here again. I'm looking forward to your music.

  • @cabinmonster  Jan 2022

    @wobbiewobbit Hello to you too and thanks for the welcome and offer of support. I look forward to hearing you're songs this year as always. Hopefully I'll churn out something!! Will see what happens!!!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    My ears await your music, this is my happy place...on your page...bring it!!!

  • @sorby69  Jan 2022

    Hi there Wobbie! Thought I'd check in with you here as I'll be sending you a 4-track tape pretty soon :) Have a great FAWM.

  • @cynthiawolff  Jan 2022

    Hey there Wobbie...waiting patiently to hear all you have to say this year...Have a faBBo Fawm.

  • @tabitha Jan 2022


    Thanks for responding to my post on the FAWM forums about a radio interview. I ended up with a greater response than anticipated so will likely interview everyone (individually) and edit together a FAWM specific show, then take any further conversations about everyone's music and release them over the coming months (I am keen to hear about how everyone wealth of musical experience). Other than the FAWM specific show being due to air on Friday 4th of Feb, I won't be able to guarantee when each podcast will air sorry, as occasionally there are local events that require promotional interviews. Once the interview goes up however I'll definitely be able to send you a link and I can let you know a week in advance.

    Side note: If you have no interest in talking about your own music and got involved purely for FAWM based discussion that is also totally fine, just let me know. I will take whatever interviews I get and go from there - but would love to hear from you about the awesome stuff you create!

    My show slots aren't too long so interviews can usually be done within 20-30 minutes. One thing I like to do with my show is to end off with a poem, so if you've written one or there is one that you like then bring it along!

    Now: for organising specifics! I am generally free over the next few days and weeks (except next weekend), so can work around your schedule. The only awkward thing we'll have to consider is time zones. I see from your profile you’re in London (let me know if this is wrong). By my reckoning, the easiest times for us to do this would be sometime after 6 PM your time. I am pretty flexible so if you let me know when works best for you we can go from there.

    Sorry, for the long email - lots of ground to cover. Let me know if you have any questions, looking forward to chatting with you.


  • @zeekle1998  Jan 2022

    Hi @wobbiewobbit I’m looking forward to hearing your comedic stylings this February.

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hi Wobbie, thanks for responding to my call for radio guests. I'll be in touch sometime tomorrow hopefully to organise more of the details. Happy FAWM

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Ohh, so this would be your 11th FAWM. Your profile says you started 02/2012. I started 02/2013. Last year was your 10-year anniversary!! Happy Belated Anniversary!

  • @guatecoop  Jan 2022

    Helllloooo Wobbie! Looks like I’m going to be sending you a cassette. I’m going to have track two, you will have 3, and Vom will have 4. I’m excited about that!! Happy FAWM to you…I’ll be listening!

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    FAWM 2022!! How are you? Always up to listen to some new Wobbie tunes with a great sense of humor!! Hope you are well!

  • @richaaaay  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to hearing more of your witty, well crafted and thoughtful songs...

  • @fearlessflight2014  Jan 2022

    Yay Wobbie!!!!!

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    I love Backspace...funny stufte funny stugf...damn my backspace is broken. lol

  • @seemanski  Jan 2022

    Hey Wobbie, welcome back. I have fond memories of our video we did last year.

  • @wolfkier Jan 2022

    it's almost the most magical time of the year!
    Wishing you another happy, creative FabFeb my friend.

  • @nuj4x  Jan 2022

  • @fuzzy  Jan 2022


  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Yay! I would love to do a collab with you.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Jan 2022

    Let's wock and woll!

  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Woo! Wobbie Wobbit! Wonderful! Wow!

  • @sw1n3flu  Jan 2022

    Hi Wobbie! Looking forward to hearing your 2022 songs! Nice to see Chris Witty is now a Knight!