natalie 16


Ranong TH   Feb 2021

Artist Bio

Influences:   ABBA, Cat Stevens, Dolly Parton, Simon & Garfunkel, Judy Collins, Bob Dylan, Peter Paul and Mary, The Limelighters, Barbra Streisand, Sarah Vaughn, Patsy Cline, Indigo Girls, Zap Mama, Ana Gabriel, Girlyman, Ellis, Sinead O’Connor, JS Bach, John Williams, soundtracks to “Orlando” and “O Brother, Where Art Thou?,” church music, Aygyul

Harmony-lovin’ singer/songwriter and aspiring ukulele player.

I’ve been creating vocal music since I was four years old. I used to improvise little melodies and lyrics to entertain myself ~ or to express feelings that otherwise didn’t have an outlet.

In 2021, I finally got serious about developing those little improvisations into complete songs when I became a happy Fawmer. (A decision which turned out to be one of the best ones of my life!)

Words can’t express the elation and excitement I feel now that February has finally rolled around again. But I guess if you’re reading this, you probably already know what I mean without my having to find words to wrap them up in.

Best wishes to all you lovely Fawmers! May your mojo be in full flow. Can’t wait to see what we all come up with this year!

Peace and inspiration,


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @greengrassgirl  Mar 2022

    Hi, Natalie. I sent you an email with a song idea.


  • @greengrassgirl  Mar 2022

    And now I'm seeing your very complimentary post on Friendship Hurts. I love what @colgoo did with this, and I'm glad you were moved by it, too. Sorry for my delayed response. FAWM has been a whirlwind!

  • @greengrassgirl  Mar 2022

    Now that FAWM is over, I'm finding time to review my page and the comments, and I see one from you on Wrong Story Short that I didn't respond to! Sorry! I really appreciate your detailed comments. I made so many rookie mistakes this year, like responding to comments on my OWN page, not the commenter's page. I will be much better at the mechanics of this next time around! Thank you for taking the time to encourage me!

  • @rockstarsmd  Mar 2022

    You did amazing work this past month, Natalie. Thank you for taking the time to listen to so much of my stuff, too!

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    You have been updated :D

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    No pressure.
    But do it NOW!
    Really not in a hurry, I just want to hear what kind of song it could be :)

  • @arthurrossi Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your wonderful and that kind and wise words on "Yugoslavia"! I was so happy to read it... Karl did some real magic here...

  • @greengrassgirl  Mar 2022

    Try to send that email again? I didn't receive it

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    And for the SlowMotion, feel free to download it and do your thing and send it back and I will update it. Who cares fawm is over, this month is album listening month :)

  • @seppo Mar 2022

    Haha :) we finns just are so funny and clever people even tho our reputation is that we are melancholic and grumpy.
    Or then it's just me :)

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Lost and Found'!

  • @pippa  Mar 2022

    Natalie, you broke my zong! You rock! Thank you for your generous hearted compliments. I appreciate them very much. And I've been enjoying your music as well. I'll go back and listen some more..

  • @juoppis  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind comments! I look forward to listening through your catalogue

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Congrats on reaching the finishing line! Will be listening more this month so looking forward to commenting on more of your songs :)

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments on The Weary Traveler, it was a fun song to write, and I appreciate your support.

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    I have a song that would sound lovely with your vocals. Do you have an email? I'd like to talk with you about it.

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Natalie, Thanks for your compliments on Wrong Story Short. I'm glad you liked it. I liked your phrase: Cheerful resignation! That's it! Thanks!

  • @boycetown  Feb 2022

    Hi Natalie, thank you for your kind comments on my Amy Winehouse tribute song ‘cut’. The vibe is loosely inspired by her music.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comments on the collab I did with Tams, 'We Don't Have a Clue'!

  • @nateger  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your words on the peanut song! I'm glad you can relate to the shock. Or at least chagrin

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Two for the Road'!

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Natalie, thank you for your praise of Hit Man. It was such a fun collab! I was very lucky to be able to work with all these talented people, and I'm really glad you like the result.

  • @leka Feb 2022

    Thank you for those kind words

  • @dukongp100 Feb 2022

    Thank u for ur comment on zenbruddah :-))

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you SO much for your lovely comments on Bad Town. They are really appreciated :)

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Hey lovely, am wishing you a beautiful FAWM and we WILL catch up verbally at some point my lovely . Big hugs xxxxx

  • @cynthiawolff  Jan 2022

    Hey you hear? here? r u ready?
    let's collaborate again...yes?
    You hear something just let me know and it's yours...can't wait and
    I hope you are on board...