nancycunning 69


US   Jan 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Guy Clark, Lyle Lovett, Lorie McKenna, Turnpike Troubadours, Hayes Carll, Billy Bragg, Cowboy Junkies

March 16, 2022 - Well that was specatacular in a life-altering kind of way.I feel like I wandered into a secret world full of fantastic imaginary friends. I've had so much fun writing and singing, skirmishing and collaborating, and listening and listening and listening.

I'll definitely be back for 50/90 and next year and probably the Prequel to 50/90.

See you there!

This is my first FAWM. Glad to be here.

I'm planning to post a lot of lyric-only songs this year. If you see one of those you'd like to set music to, feel free.

I'll also post a set of songs that my co-writer Kathy and I wrote over the past year, and she is cleaning up and recording Guitar Vocal versions of this month.

A few years ago I decided to dive into learning how to write songs. This past year has been all about learning to co-write. I'm always excited to co-write on just about anything.

I come at things from stories and characters. I love to try to light a match and show a scene or a character.

I tend to write mostly Americana and Country.

Songs (69)

#1 Your Misery Loves Company @rdavis1962 8
Feb 2022
#2 Bones Are Built To Last But Nothing Else Is @complexissimple 10
Feb 2022
#3 Take Away 11
Feb 2022
#4 Rags to Riches 5
Feb 2022
#5 Head Over Heartbroke - Demo by @bobjestes at 131388 5
Feb 2022
#6 Chickens in the Bedroom - When Momma Sent us Away @rdavis1962 10
Feb 2022
#7 In meinen Gedanken reise ich noch zu dir @arthurrossi 8
Feb 2022
#8 In meinen Gedanken reise ich noch zu Dir @arthurrossi 5
Feb 2022
#9 Get to Yes @kcflowers  7
Feb 2022
#10 Looking to Board This Train - demos @bobjestes:132196 @tseaver:134345 @themelgoexperience:134744 14
Feb 2022
#11 Lotta Paths @kcflowers  4
Feb 2022
#12 That Cut-rate Crystal Ball - demo at 130728 2
Feb 2022
#13 Cut-Rate Crystal Ball @carleybaer  30
Feb 2022
#14 Sing It All @kcflowers  5
Feb 2022
#15 Head Over Heart-Broke @bobjestes  10
Feb 2022
#16 Iron That Shirt - demo at 131776 4
Feb 2022
#17 Nature and Nurture - demo by @skibum1066 at 134699 3
Feb 2022
#18 Holding Me Now @kcflowers  4
Feb 2022
#19 Iron that Shirt @bobjestes  6
Feb 2022
#20 Monkeys Typing Shakespeare - demo by @abudabard12514 at 133234 6
Feb 2022
#21 Es ist nie zu Spät (It's Never Too Late) @grenzgaengerin 14
Feb 2022
#22 Looking to Board This Train @bobjestes  7
Feb 2022
#23 Good for Nothing (But Love) @kcflowers  4
Feb 2022
#24 What Can You Do? demo by @downburst at 135611, by @skibum1066: 135868 5
Feb 2022
#25 Rambling Lady @kcflowers  3
Feb 2022
#26 Thunderstorm Loose in My Soul @kcflowers  3
Feb 2022
#27 After the Next Fire - demo by @pvk2020 at 133299 and by @bobjestes at 133724 4
Feb 2022
#28 Monkeys That Type Shakespeare @abudabard12514  19
Feb 2022
#29 After This Next Fire @pvk2020 4
Feb 2022
#30 Hit, Sich, Tain't and Nary (added demo 3/14) 3
Feb 2022
#31 Click Bait @jayjay  13
Feb 2022
#32 Down at the Dipsy Doodle - demo by @oaksandprairie at 134432 3
Feb 2022
#33 Landscape (w/ nancycunning co-lyrics) @moonraccoon  10
Feb 2022
#34 After This Next Fire @bobjestes  5
Feb 2022
#35 Seven Summers @kcflowers  4
Feb 2022
#36 Looking to Board This Train @tseaver  16
Feb 2022
#37 Down to the Dipsy Doodle @oaksnprairie  8
Feb 2022
#38 Hard Hitting - New Demo Live @dreamscuba  4
Feb 2022
#39 Breakaway (with a Breaking Heart) @kcflowers  4
Feb 2022
#40 Fly Away Boy @kcflowers  3
Feb 2022
#41 Nature and Nurture @skibum1066  3
Feb 2022
#42 Looking To Board This Train @themelgoexperience  6
Feb 2022
#43 Exactly What She Means @kcflowers  4
Feb 2022
#44 Back It Up Again @kcflowers  2
Feb 2022
#45 This Time if You're Going @kcflowers  3
Feb 2022
#46 You Didn't Do @kcflowers  3
Feb 2022
#47 Worn Out Denial @kcflowers  3
Feb 2022
#48 (Then One Day They're) Gone @emkaydeebee  8
Feb 2022
#49 Time to Move Forward @kcflowers  5
Feb 2022
#50 What Can You Do @downburst  11
Feb 2022
#51 What Can You Do @skibum1066  3
Feb 2022
#52 Put ‘em In Your Country Song 10
Feb 2022
#53 You Lost the Piece - still needs music 7
Feb 2022
#54 Ain’t No Rest Stops in New Jersey 10
Feb 2022
#55 Descent into Dissent 9
Feb 2022
#56 Deep in the Heart of You and Me - demos at 136465 and 136558 13
Feb 2022
#57 Beginning to End 9
Feb 2022
#58 Deep In The Heart Of You And Me @tuneslayer  10
Feb 2022
#59 Release Manager 5
Feb 2022
#60 Deep in the Heart of You and Me @tseaver  10
Feb 2022
#61 Beside the Open Gate 9
Feb 2022
#62 Someone Forgot to Tell Me 8
Feb 2022
#63 All You Gotta Tell Me is No 9
Feb 2022
#64 An Eight Day Meeting 12
Feb 2022
#65 Like Sausage Gravy 9
Feb 2022
#66 Chicken Wire Screens - still needs music 18
Feb 2022
#67 Get Ready To Crawl Back Home @tuneslayer  7
Feb 2022
#68 Demolition Expert @andygriff  7
Feb 2022
#69 My American Hero (Dream Him Home) @greengrassgirl  12
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @dukongp100 May 2022

    hey you are welcome, hope to see you around 5090 :)
    its interesting how my hey stewie song has gotten a fair response, it was written when i was in insomnia phase so i wasnt fully with it lolallthabest and cya round :)

  • @ambroise Apr 2022

    Well I'm excited to hear (relatively) soon what she can do with several tracks of guitar. Hoppe she'll find a way to make peace with de DAW's metronome (I still have issues with mine).

  • @thomasfred Mar 2022

    Hey @nancycunning thanks for offering your kind words about my song and voice - I truly appreciate them a lot.

  • @slusk Mar 2022

    Thanks for commenting on Like a Bird. Yes, in lack of "normal" song inspiration I went a bit artsy-fartsy. The voice (courtesy of Siri) fitted the format.

  • @beebalm7000  Mar 2022

    Hey Nancy, I appreciate yo comments on my songs, I’m so touched, your comments buoy my confidence and make me feel so good. Thank you.

    Wow!!! You made so many songs! I’m going to start listening. Hey, what is the 50/90?

  • @vaseyr Mar 2022

    That’s awesome that you made a video! I used to do YouTube a lot so I guess my first instinct is video. I’d love to collaborate next year, I’ve never collaborated with someone before!

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    Hi Nancy, i mentioned you in both threads, so you should find them easily. About books etc., i have been working through a nook Roddy told me about during 50/90. Writing Better Lyrics by Pat Pattison. Lots of examples and tutorials. I put some of the lessons to practical songwriting and have been pleased with progress.

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for all your comments. That line you mentioned from "Devil's Advocate" (about traveling 'parallel lines perpendicularly') is, I think, my favorite line from one of my songs this year, and it made me very happy that you singled it out! :)

  • @jeff9  Mar 2022

    Any time, Nancy. Always up for a project. Ping me on my email sometime and we can talk about it in more detail.

  • @jeff9  Mar 2022

    Holy smokes, Nancy--you are incredibly prolific and what a stable of collaborators you have collected! So glad you stumbled upon some of my stuff in your March listening mode and I thank you sincerely for the kind words. After going through your catalogue here, I wish we had connected and collaborated during FebFawm, but I'll follow you and maybe we can try to do something during 50/90. Lots of your stuff seems right in my wheelhouse. Great rootsy Americana with originality. I like!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Yes, I think it's highly likely that you are now stuck to FAWM forever. It does that, you see...(I crept in, very frightened, in 2007)

  • @mikeb  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Running Out of Time'!

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    The funny thing, of course, is that the "secret world full of fantastic imaginary friends" is neither secret, nor imaginary! And a spectacular output. Another permanent FAWMer, I hope!

  • @vaseyr Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your incredibly thoughtful and kind comments on my songs! It means so much to me. I really appreciate your shout out as well for bringing a little traffic to my page. I’m still working on my confidence in sharing my music and being vulnerable in that way so it’s truly touching to receive such wonderful feedback. Thank you so much.

  • @unpronounceable  Mar 2022

    Oh my gosh, 69 songs! You did WELL :). Thanks for your comment on 'Dance Alone'. I remember I was like 'how the heck will I write this? Found a sound or 2 to work with, then turned off the lights and lit a candle and said the words. Truly appreciate you :)

  • @kiffa Mar 2022

    Nancy, thank you for your insightful and very kind comments on "Survivor's Guilt". The idea that you had for having many different FAWMers interpret the same song has indeed been done before-- I actually took part in such an exercise during my first FAWM, back in 2008. The song was called "Auto-Pseudo-Mondo" and dozens of FAWMers put together recordings based on a set of lyrics and chords provided by @nancyrost, @wille & @hoops. I didn't see a similar challenge this year, or know if that type of challenge goes by a particular name now, but it was definitely fun to see all the different interpretations people came up with. 18 of them were gathered onto a CD (including mine-- my only appearance on a compilation album, even though I'm a little embarrassed by my rendition now). I agree that if this challenge isn't still being done, it should be. Thanks again!

  • @mahtowin  Mar 2022

    Dankeschön für anhören und kommentieren .
    You did 69 tracks! You were really busy!

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    My wife is a brilliant writer. She spends a lot more time working on her lyrics than I do on mine but you get stuff like "Still Life" from her pen!

  • @johnstaples  Mar 2022

    Hey Nancy! I'm barely still here! :D. Thank you for your kind words on my songs. I'll def check out your Chickens song soon!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your nice comment on "Fit right in". Your words on the lyrics mean a lot to me. We just started working on the song and it will be a great one when finished. The arrangement won't be that far away from our initial sketch. I'm psyched to listen to the recordings :)

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Thanks Nancy! Prequel and 5090 it is!

  • @vaseyr Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your touching comment on my song Untitled, it really made my day to read that.

  • @lcad  Mar 2022

    Hi Nancy just wanted to say thanks so much for the listens and kind words. Much appreciated

  • @elainedimasi  Mar 2022

    Thanks Nancy!
    FAWMlab is a group of us who got together in Bandlab online and collab'd in a weird organic way; there's a forum thread,
    and the "song" I have called the FAWMlab Index Song lists 5 or 6 of the songs the collaboration printed :-)
    Come join us, now or for 50/90 or for next FAWM!

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Thanks for such a gushing review of Sonya Heller's take on my "Don't Tell me a Story" lyrics. I was over the moon to hear her version - it surpassed anything I'd hoped for.

    I love your voice and I've watch listed you for next year.

  • @oaksnprairie  Mar 2022

    I definitely want to hear the ghost cab dispatcher song!

  • @oaksnprairie  Mar 2022

    Thanks for all the March listening! I look forward to hearing and working with you next year.

  • @gardeningangel1  Mar 2022

    The Marx Brothers meet Karl Marx's consecrated brother, Brother Marx.
    It practically writes itself ;)

  • @sbs2018  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Nancy!

  • @sheslin  Mar 2022

    Wow Nancy thank you for your detailed and very thoughtful analysis of Without You! I had not thought that deeply about what I was doing I confess - I love how you explained things. Very cool!

  • @feb21sundari Mar 2022

    Thank you Nancy for your comments. Have a nice time. I hope we ll meet next feb.

  • @djevans53 Mar 2022

    Thanks Nancy for commenting on a few of my songs, so nice of you. I've been out of it a little this year. Hoping time will heal a broken heart.

  • @chrishope Mar 2022

    thanks so for listening and the thoughtful coomment

  • @esc4p3  Mar 2022

    I see this is your first FAWM, as it was mine. Thanks for your track comments, I really appreciate them. The whole process really blew my mind, it sounds like you had fun too!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    another GIMME15, maybe?

  • @emkaydeebee  Mar 2022

    Thank you!

  • @datsch  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment, wow I had to scroll a long way down to get here, what a lot of songs you did, congrats!

  • @gilhari  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your comment on my lyrics! I am looking forward to diving in and taking a listen to your work.

  • @n24  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your lovely comments and thoughtful posts :)

  • @sunnymae  Mar 2022

    wow nancy...thank you for your amazing insights on ghost in the window! I appreciate your take on the vocals and imagery very much.
    AND 69 compositions????wha???? that's amazing. congrats!

  • @dreamscuba  Mar 2022

    I have uploaded the demo with the vocals to Hard Hitting. Thank you!!

  • @skibum1066  Mar 2022

    Hi Nancy, It was a pleasure working with you too. I have streamed some of my songs including collaborations. I would be very happy to stream both of our songs listing you as 100% author of the lyrics. Please let me know if you are interested and send me your e-mail address. Thanks

  • @eargoggle  Mar 2022

    Hey thanks for those comments, and the short story recommendation! I gotta check that one out for sure, Joshua Ferris, I'm on it....

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    pssssst..... just between you me and the lampost there's no freeking way this is gonna happen by Sunday ... You may want to add a second bet to cover all eventualites, (if nothing else do it for the sake of the children, the poor children chickens, and me) .... but shhhh......;)

  • @highmountain Mar 2022

    Howdy, Nancy! Thanks for your comments on In the Moon and Wake Up, Little Cowboy! The latter might be confusing and suffer from not being thoroughly thought out. That's why I didn't bother with writing out the lyrics. My idea was something in line with a cowboy being fatally shot regressing and dying amidst impossible assurances that everything will work out fine.

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    My bit of the tit4tat corpse has been emailed - let me know if it doesn't arrive, Good luck!

  • @thedutchwidows  Mar 2022

    Thanks @nancycunning - email received!

  • @bradbrubaker  Mar 2022

    Ah, yes, the Pennsylvania Brubakers. I do not know of any close relationship to any of them, but it is my understanding that there is a place in PA where there are more Brubakers than Smiths. All the ones I personally know are in the Midwest or Virginia.

  • @arthurrossi Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind post on my soundboard. A song in French or Italian in another FAWM or 50/90? - wow, that would be great! :-) And once again, thank you so much for all!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    please quickly send a note to @thedutchwidows with your contact info and ask @eargoggle for his! Happy #tit4tatting

  • @srcoops  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your nice comments on Old Folks. It's easy to write about them if you are one.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Your comments today have really made me smile; thank you!! I'll catch up with your music soon. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and leave such thoughtful remarks.

  • @bradbrubaker  Mar 2022

    Oh, cool! Thanks for giving Perpetual Winter a listen!

  • @mk2021 Mar 2022

    Many thanks for your kind words on my songs. Looks like you were really turning out a lot of songs in February. Well done.

  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    wow, what an ouput. And it demonstrates just how big FAWM has gotten that I'd only picked up one despite all the listening and reading. I'm out of time regrettably or I would chase more.

  • @frogspawn Mar 2022

    @frogspawn thanks you for those nice comments on the @pointlessaccount/@frogspawn post-FAWM FAWM. And will ooze over @timfatchen to return the compliment, because he owes me for not taking over his mind for more than 24 hours.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Glad you are enjoying my songs. I will return the compliment when our internet is working again. I wrote this using mobile phone data... Which, in my deal with the telephone company is very limited.

  • @sheslin  Mar 2022

    I really enjoyed your songs Nancy! I also sent you an email with more detail about writing to an instrumental track. I would love to collab next FAWM! I have never done the 50/90 before - maybe I should check it out this year. Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment on It's About Time and Thief. Nate @n24, who wrote the lyrics to Thief, is a really good lyricist and musician. I just checked out the rest of his songs over the weekend and was really impressed.

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and comment on my twiddling. I really appreciate it. :-)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Lol your comment made my day!

  • @greengrassgirl  Mar 2022

    My, oh, my! Just look at all thee songs and lyrics. You are a music machine! Thank you for your comments on A Lover and a Liar! I thought Marieke did a fabulous job with it!

  • @emkaydeebee  Mar 2022

    Hey Nancy, yes, we’re sending it to the reunion! (Ps thank you for your lovely email the other day, I kept meaning to reply but life is mad busy just now and it kept slipping my mind. But I appreciated your words, thank you!)

  • @downburst  Mar 2022

    Isn't it great? (The story, I mean.) It was all Mary's doing, she's an amazing person.

    I made that video myself, with a demo copy of Final Cut Pro which has since expired. It's a complicated piece of software which I didn't quite learn. But there's a whole sub-industry of people who will make lyric videos (that's what that type of thing is called) for you for fairly cheap. Here's a bunch on Fiverr, which is a site where you can contract out all kind of services like that. (hope that works)

  • @janeg  Mar 2022

    You are brave enough to sing brand new lyrics in a second language - that takes a lot of courage. And the pronunciations sound very good to me.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Hi Nancy,

    I see what you mean about the punchline... but as it IS a punchline, it cannot go anyplace but the end. In fact, that's why I chose to end on an instrumental Chorus, rather than distract from that line with a repeat of a sung chorus. The whole song points to the worst aspects of love, but ends with the narrator saying his love is an exception. Which it may or may not be. He may only be fooling himself :-)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for listening to "Inner Demon". Plot twist: I was VERY angry and frustrated when I recorded this draft, so the skirmish prompt has been the right one. If the skirmish prompt has been happiness I would have quit.

  • @downburst  Mar 2022

    Very close! Tasmania in fact. I’ll let Mary tell the story when she gets up.

    Hey, you bought my albums. You didn’t have to do that—I’d have been happy to give you them for free. But thank you—I hope you like them.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Hi Nancy,
    just a note to say the music is finally up for my silly LOVE song.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot! I received your mail and reply asap. Too much stuff going on right now. And thanks for your comment I'm still behind with listening sorry! Have a great weekend :)

  • @oaksnprairie  Mar 2022

    Thank you for continuing to listen in March! I am also looking forward to next year.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    You mean it's easier to FAWM than hitting the expectations of family, friends and the crowd? Or do you mean that you just do something and don't care about how it sounds cause you're keep getting better anyway?

    I'm happy that I found a community that focuses on songwriting and shares a lot of respect and appreciation. In my former communities the pressure on performing and mixing perfectly has been tremendously big. I'm still not able to let go when I upload a sketch to FAWM because I know the potential I can get of each track when I team up with good performances and dive deep into production (what I really love). So there us tons of work left in that rabbit hole.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thank you, Nancy, this means a lot to me. I recorded guitar on smartphone, converted, load it into my DAW and recorded vocals with a 10€ mic. Definitely not the way to go, but I don't own proper microphones and I cannot sing and play at the same time. I'm having soooooo much fun playing guitar even if my timing sucks and I don't know how to mute strings. Maybe this helps to learn quick. Now I just hit the wall with barrel chords, let's see when I get through this!

  • @liz561  Mar 2022

    Wow-you had a great FAWM! Thanks for your comments and I would love to try a collaboration. Last year (my first FAWM), I did no skirmishes-this time-5. Now I have to get brave and try collaborations for next year. I will check back later in the month and do some listening!

  • @richaaaay  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for the kind words on Feeling My Way. Very much appreciate you listening and commenting.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for your kind words yesterday! I never know when I write songs and in which style I'll end up. Just figured out that my main trigger this FAWM has been frustration xD But now, I'm sort of exhausted. I'll have tons of work ahead to turn all these songs into gemstones cause FAWM is just sketching.

    I stumbled a lot across Band in a Box or the #biab hashtag. Seems to be a fun and easy tool to jam. I create all my compositions on my own programming instrument by instrument. I've started to jam with my acoustic guitar every Sunday on a random YouTube backing. As beginner, it's slow blues based on pentatonic improvisation, but hopefully I'll learn more scales with time. For how long do you play guitar?

    ... and props for writing 68 songs in your first FAWM. This is insane.

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Hi Nancy, Angelina here (good guess :-), I absolutely love your lyrics for Baby, This is Your life and I'm thrilled they were inspired by The Kids. I'd love to write a melody for them (after I've recovered a bit from this FAWM). My only hang up is the term, Baby, I think I'd use that more for a lover/partner/husband. But it's difficult to think of one term of endearment that I'd use for both son and daughter. Though possibly sweetie or sweetheart or just, Child. Maybe I'll try a couple options out and see how they feel/sound. Love everything else about it!

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Nancy, I've really appreciated your thoughtful comments and ideas on my songs, thank you!! On "Let's Sit. . .," the "twenty years poured down" was in reference to a series of super heavy rain storms through the night. Perhaps I can use a more tropical word in that line. And I know exactly the word for you're looking for for sand collapsing with the water rush, I think it's, "kshswhhhhhhuuud" :-)

  • @complexissimple Mar 2022

    I added you as a collaborator on Bones Are Built To Last But Nothing Else Is, but I can't very easily add your demo (I have some crazy computer issues) so if you want to do that, feel free.

  • @sph  Mar 2022

    Danke für's zuhören. I could do a longer remix for your washing up ;-)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your commente, Nancy! I'm very sad because I did not have any guitar lesson in February. I'm still a beginner but playing guitar helps me a lot to get rid of frustration and brighten my mood. Hope I can record some stuff for real in some months or years. Until then, feel free to listen to software programmed demos... and real guitars from friends on the final versions :) I'll take a look here!

  • @chroes  Mar 2022

    Oh, that's wonderful to hear! I'll get to work on the song as soon as I've had some time to catch my breath. FAWM is one hell of a month!

  • @downburst  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to "Nothing Lasts Forever"! You might have heard an accidentally messed-up copy, so I'm cringing a little bit. It's fixed now, if you're interested.

    It's been nice getting to know you, if only a little. Let's keep in touch. See you at 5090. (Planning a full review of your songs now that I have time for "listening.")

  • @bobjestes  Feb 2022

    Hi Nancy! It’s been quite a FAWM. You’ve provided a tremendous amount of fodder for me and numerous others. It’s been a pleasure’ working’ with you. Keep in touch. I look forward to doing more next FAWM.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments on Hard Hitting. I would welcome lyrics and vocals for sure. We can post a new demo after FAWM, if you are still keen to work on this in the next few days, that is cool. Also, fine if you want to take your time. Thank you.

  • @christmascard  Feb 2022

    Whoa so many songs, what a productive FAWM! Thanks for your kind words, definitely up for a collab next year. Lock it in!

  • @unknownbecky  Feb 2022

    Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for your very kind Soundboard note! I actually used to be married to a US soldier who deployed to Iraq during our marriage. Long story short: it did not turn out great. So I'll decline for personal reasons; I'm definitely not the best messenger here. But it's a lovely tune! Thanks for pointing it out to me.

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Hi Nancy. Thanks so much for your very kind comments on To Keep You Safe! I appreciate the encouragement very much.

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Happy Fawm. Have a good year creating

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Nancy, I loved your comments --and progress report-- on My American Hero! I am very excited to hear your treatment of it, and as far as I'm concerned, there is no rush. So take your time, and make it yours!

    As for the skirmishes, I haven't managed to participate in any of them. This FAWM month has been exhilarating for me, and I am running myself ragged just trying to write lyrics, and remembering to check my page, and show my appreciation with commenting..and then it's midnight and the day is gone! Maybe next year, I'll be able to try some skirmishes. Thanks for the reminder.

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    My gosh you wrote a lot of songs, incredible fast...respect

  • @taracraig  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on my song "front page news". You're correct San Juan County = San Juan Islands. I live on San Juan Island. We moved here in May and love it. Sounds like you've been out this way for a visit or live near here, is that right?

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    Just realised that I haven't welcomed you to FAWM !!
    Welcome to FAWM :)

  • @br0th3rh00d Feb 2022

    Hi Fawmling-with-mostess - tracks and I think probably collaborations as well!! Good to see you here!

  • @nateger  Feb 2022

    You just turned me on to Poi Dog Pondering! Thank you :)

  • @kcflowers  Feb 2022

    Nancy is the most amazing word smith. When we are working on a song and need a line of words, incredible gems just fall from her mouth. She is wonderful to collab with: smart, funny, wordy, patient, full of ideas. I've been honored to have so much time with her, now many of you lucky songsters get to experience her talent.

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    Thank you Nancy for your nice comment. I talk to my innerself and my young husband who devorced.
    It is easier for the partner who leaves than for the one who stays. Loving means letting go, but explain that to my heart.

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Check your maii when you get a chance.

  • @crutherford  Feb 2022

    Dear Nancy
    I'm usually a bit shy about responding to comments on my songs - but I thought you should know - your comments on Snake Oil absolutely made my day! xo

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Hi, thanks for your comments. Putting your words to my chiptune would be interesting indeed nd I'd like to hear what comes of it. If you want to give it a go, feel free. I'm notoriously flaky so I don't know if I'll ever get it done.

    Americana and country, hm? I may have to run barefoot through your lyrics stash to see if anything suggests itself.

  • @greengrassgirl  Feb 2022

    Nancy, Thank you for your comments on My American Hero. I liked what you said about how your cousin feels when her husband is deployed. That's exactly what I tried to capture. Thank you.