leahleah 5


61201 US   Feb 2017


Artist Bio

Influences:   Alice Boman was a big listen for me last year.. Some favorite staples are Phantom Planet, Coldplay, Weezer, Regina Spektor, Postal Service, Ben Kweller, Imogen Heap, Ben Folds, Elliott Smith, Bon Iver, Ray Lamontagne, TMBG... how does one narrow this down... I like music

I'm attempting to learn Cubase, but it's a very slow process for me, and I was hitting road block after road block trying to record a dang FAWM song.

I finally tried Garage Band because I forgot it was in this computer, and that actually went a lot more smoothly. So probably for the rest of this FAWM I will just use that so I don't lose my mind.

Ummmmm let's see - my 2021 end of year musical highlights would be playing a few shows with some of my new (last year) songs and recording vocals with my brother for a new album of his that he put out.

Good times.

Have fun songwriting!


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  • @nuchoyce  Mar 2022

    Hey Leah, its was great hearing your music this FAWM. I hope you are enjoying Garage Band. Once you get a hang of that I suggest moving up to its big brother Logic X!

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Hey leah, pinged you an email, hopefully you got it :-) lemme know what you think, but no pressure, no drama if it doesn't work out :-)

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Hey hey just discovering (rediscovering?) your music. I absolutely love your voice and writing, would love to collab if you’d be interested. Am a fellow cubase user too!

  • @tan482  Feb 2022

    Hey, glad to see you back this year! Looking forward to hearing your music :-)

  • @kellyk Feb 2022

    Thank you!

  • @cabinmonster  Feb 2022

    Hello. I'm totally new to FAWM this year and can't keep up with all the songs flying around! I've just discovered your songs and I'm completely blown away by your talent!!! You've gotta be singing record deals or something!!! Loving your music. I seriously don't have much to offer in terms of feedback - I have little in terms of skill when it comes to music but I just enjoy the creative process. I simply had to say how blown away I was by your songs!

  • @tukayandryan  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your lovely comments on our song :)

  • @aeye Jan 2022

    Hope you’ve got some things coming for fawm!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Hi! You coming to play this year again? :D