gmcgath 15


US   Jan 2020  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Classical, folk, filk, novelty

Freelance writer, former software engineer, living in New Hampshire. I've been active in filk music since 1989.


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  • @mhorning Feb 2022

    On Beams and Waves... I was originally going for Leslie's tune for "We and They", but I could never get it to work right.

    But it's in A-minor. And everything Les writes is in A-minor... (ok most everything)

  • @tuneslayer  Feb 2022

    Of course I put the line about the previous night in especially for the filikers. :)

  • @ceilidh  Feb 2022

    I'm blaming you for having to write "SEDITION!" because your song, "But Not for Thee" planted the earworm in my brain. :)

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    About my "The Witch"
    YOU SAID: "Much of that story really happened, far too many times."

    Indeed it did. That's what inspired me to write it. That and a program on Catalunya's TV3 last week about witch hunts, which strangely enough were not organised by the Inquisition, but rather by local authorities. Catalunya has the rather unenviable distinction as being the country in Europe that held more witch trials than any other.

  • @ceilidh  Feb 2022

    Welcome back! Looking foward to more songs!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Yay to more music being made in NH!! Hope you are dug out from the snow and have a great FAWM!!

  • @gmcgath  Jan 2022

    This will be my third FAWM, and I met the 14-song goal in both of the previous years. This year I have more free time, so I'll try for something more ambitious: songs around a theme.

    The theme will be (subject to revision) "Promises broken, promises restored." It will look at a recurring pattern in US history in which people made a bold promise but left significant omissions in its implementation, leaving it to others to correct the breaches. The promise is as important and the fulfillment; the declaration of inalienable rights for all didn't match early US practice, but it gave people a rallying point, a goal to move toward. From the Pilgrims to the Declaration of Independence to the Emancipation Proclamation, each gave a promise which practice often violently contradicted, but each pointed a way toward freedom.

    I've already written some songs along those lines, including "Mary Dyer" and "Washington's Slave." If I can produce 14 more of them and some are keepers, I'll say I've fulfilled this promise. If not ... Someone else write more!