ferry0123 7

Artist Bio

Influences:   Music from the past that must have left an impression on me for some personal reason.

I'm building a new bio, based on the old normal.

Songs (7)


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  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    if i did another GIMME15 would you play, my friend?

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Hah! I'll try anything once! I've got a few cheap mics I wouldn't mind too terribly if it went horribly wrong either. Sounds like a good idea for a break too next time I get frustrated with something.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Yeah I've got one from last 50/90 I'm going to soon try to redo(there's not really any fixing anything to be done) It was done live on multiple mics into a mixer and recorded in one channel. It might take 20 tries to get close... not looking forward to it LOL. I'm just not happy with the guitar/vocal volumes.

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Mar 2022

    Thanks that noise bomb ended up being one of my personal favorites this fawm... only because I finally started to get a grasp on how all the knobs on my new fuzz/filter/tremolo pedal (which also has a CB mic attached) interact. One of those things you just have to spend time with even if you know what each knob is "supposed" to do.

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your kind words on „Haven“ and also: what an interesting listening experience! Yes, those sounds could be from a jungle as well, now that you say it :)

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Hey :) when you‘re finished with your gimme15 piece, you can send it to my E-mail (see my profile). Happy tit4tating and recording!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot, Ferry! The kudos for Simplest Man go to @seppo. He wrote a hell of a song and I just felt inspired to join in a genre I don't listen to! THIS is skill.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you Ferry. My name has been spelt in many ways :) no worries :)

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you Ferry, My name is Nadia. We do have Nadine on FAWM too :)

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    if he doesn't already, please make sure @davidtaro has your contact info.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Yes, let's! :)
    Hope you're having a wonderful night, my friend.

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you Ferry for your kind words on my collaboration with Kate on The First Valentine. Kate gave her heart and soul and sang it with true emotion and very beautifully.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Thank you, Ferry!! :)

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot! I'm still stick on @dock version of that melody. No idea if he will continue. I like the fuzz!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Yup, Mike is working on lyrics and vocals. I'm looking forward to this happening. I'm still trying to find out if there has been something like this...

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Love lasts forever". I am not sure yet if I can turn this into a full production. I really don't feel as a vocalist and besides that I don't have a proper microphone. I cannot play guitar like this in the next 4-5 years. If somebody shows up for vocals and guitar we could realize, if not, it has to marinade for years.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "Fit right in", it means a lot to me :) we will rerecord this song in a better quality and with a better vocalist. I haven't planned a big string arrangement, maybe drop in a cello and that's it. Keep it simple to keep the message strong.

  • @arkka  Mar 2022

    Thanks Ferry!

  • @sorby69  Mar 2022

    Hey @ferry0123! Glad you found our corpse - and well done for your part in it. I love how it turned out - and keep finding myself listening to it. It was an absolute pleasure to stitch.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    OK, bring it, when it's ready, bring it~ ! I'll be there.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thank you, my friend.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    breakfast is served! :)

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my collab with Tammy 'Tired of the Blues'!

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much Ferry for your comments!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    very cool indeed. Winning combination! :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    I just saw you email! Nope, that works for me I'm titled out :D I'll have to listen to the finished product in a hour or so after some food and coffee.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    It's up. Mrs. Wilson. And you'll have a more in time for your breakfast! :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thank you. One more any second now.. :) Look out for it.....
    Im hoping you have something in the next 12.5 hours too!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    And the first of 3 for this last 24hours is up.... :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thank you my friend. I guess I'm on a roll (?) :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    and another :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    great work on epsilon, my friend. Thanks again for the effort! I hope you're all rested and ready for the final surge to the finish line!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    :) one of your faves...

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Your havana, super cool. :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    A special extra :) this time.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @slusk Feb 2022

    I seem to be missing your part in Gimme15 gamma. Please (re-)send it as soon as possible! It's Stitching Day.

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    We have both forgotten to send the corpse :p lol

  • @tamsnumber4  Feb 2022

    I just saw you pop up in my RSS feed. I am not ignoring you, I am just behind, but I will come around to listen once I hit my 14....I PROMISE...

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hi Ferry! I've got everyone else's Havana Corpse contributions but think I'm just waiting on yours. Can you send to sorby69 at gmail dot com please? Thanks :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    They need one more musician for this thing here, I'm not quite sure how it works but it's a corpse thing, and I'm after deez and, if you sign in soon, I'd go before you so by your turn we'd work out how it works.
    But it needs to be quick 1 minute this week....

  • @ttg105  Feb 2022


  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thanks for understanding, Ferry! :) have a blast this last week my friend!!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    thank you twice, my friend. Yes, tom is indeed right. I'll adjust and let you know. Hugs.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    One last fast and furious super GIMME15epsilon is GO! Quick quick turn around before end of FAWM. are you in? https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12764/

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @rayboneor  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening! Are you gonna post 12 more songs this week :)

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Yes, that Gilmorish bend upwards did surprise me too ;)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thanks, my friend. Your turn soon I hope.

  • @ttg105  Feb 2022


  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Since I never got into the goth/post-punk guitar sound back in the day I will have to do some research (unless you share your secrets :))

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Latest version of Big Trapeze just posted. :)

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    dont forget your cigar!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Another corpse starting... join me? https://fawm.org/forums/topic/12399/

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @ttg105  Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thank you, my friend. :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @ttg105  Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on the collab with David & Geoff, Ferry! It was a lot of fun!

  • @ttg105  Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    vox fixed?

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Sounds great! I was convinced it was an actual spring reveb tank in an amp, or at the very least a nice pedal. :D

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    I meant Ferry.:)

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks Gerry!

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    I hear flamenco-style guitar from across the ocean...

  • @mrblitz000 Feb 2022

    thanks for checking in, ferry!

  • @marijequerida Feb 2022

    Dankjewel, Ferry!

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @ttg105  Feb 2022


  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on my rock opera song. You got the 2 big influences for sure - the Who (who else for a rock opera) and Neil is one of my roots for sure.

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Thank you, my friend. You know better than anyone the "soap opera" of that lyric..... :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022


  • @klaus Feb 2022

    Hi Ferry. Greetings from Helsinki, Finland. We have had plenty of snow this week. Everything is so white and nice. It's lovely. Have a great Fawm 2022.

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    I do love Cindy's words, they have intrinsic musicality which makes them easy to set to music.

    Thanks for the kind comments and glad you liked the song

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Bring the yummy! :)

  • @wolfkier Feb 2022

    Not as happy I was to hear your song! :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    That's a scary proposition. I'd be scared to go to a club that would allow that thing entry :'D

    Thanks! Looking forward to hearing whatever you come up with this year!

  • @owl  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting, Ferry!

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Hi Ferry!! I want to hear your new music based on the old normal :)

  • @ttg105  Feb 2022

    Nice seeing you (virtually) again!

  • @tamsnumber4  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to your creations friend!!!

  • @onewholovesrock Jan 2022

    What’s up Ferry! Are you planning on putting out some songs out this FAWM?

  • @jamkar Jan 2022

    Hey Ferry! Thanks for the warm welcome. Let the fun begin!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hi Ferry, lets do this!

  • @wolfkier Jan 2022


  • @katestantonsings  Jan 2022

    Hi Ferry! I hope you have a wonderful FAWM :)