deathboy 14


EN1 1EG UK   Feb 2016  

Artist Bio

Influences:   NIN, Massive Attack, Tricky, the Orb, the Prodigy, NOISIA, DJ Krush

I am an angry industrial bastard with a heart of coal.

By day, I make videogames, by night I make music so the Bad Things cannot get through the wall.

I am mostly composed of space-age meta-materials. I taste of mangoes and smoke and cannot be destroyed by conventional weaponry.

I love collabs. If you like my stuff, please reach out, I'd love to play!


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  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Hey hey, huge apologies for my belated response but thanks so much for your comments on "Details," I'm so glad you could relate to the lyrics, I'm sure your dysfunctional family is lovely as well :-) If not for my vaca right in the middle of FAWM I would have jumped at the opportunity to collab, especially since I vie for your electronic/synth sounds. It's like musically I grew up on a farm and always wanted to be a city girl. . . can we plan on a collab for '23? I'll mark my calendar!

  • @deathboy  Feb 2022

    @chariotbaldwin hey! thanks for swinging by, it's great to hear from you :) I thought your words were great, I hope I didn't sound too critical! really good to hear back, I hope you're rocking it! <3

  • @chariotbaldwin Feb 2022

    Thanks for your feedback for my song How Do You Sleep.

    You're right, it really is a V1 V2 song, not V1 V2 V3 V4. D'oh. Can't believe I missed that LOL - I'm gonna go correct it now, so it reads better for anyone else who choses to leave feedback.

    Congrats to you too by the way, for hitting the magic 14. I'll come back to your page and leave you some feedback too.

  • @deathboy  Feb 2022

    @looprication ooh, wicked! I do indeed, but can't see said email! what was the title?

  • @looprication  Feb 2022

    Hey m8! Fancy a collab? Sent something to your email.

  • @spazsquatch Feb 2022

    Oh man, say it, say "greasy"!

    That just reminded me of a Minneapolis Soul/Funk band from the 90's called Greazy Meal, one of my faves at the time. Need to go find some of that, but maybe after FAWM. No shortage to listen to at the moment.

    ...oh my god! hasn't been updated since it launched, you can still listen to clips on the site if you have RealPlayer running on your computer. XD

  • @amelea Feb 2022

    Yeah I was noticing that off-time feeling too! but was confused since didn’t really seem like I could just drag the vocals over slightly, seemed on time for some parts(?). Not sure what that’s about, if the music itself ended up having a fluid timing or if I just could not figure out the right timing while singing— it seemed more difficult than usual to come in at the right point, which probably also meant I was stressed/rushed while coming in, but I know for those final 2 vocal takes I have in the song I purposely tried to slow myself down during the first verse but either it wasn’t enough or else that’s the entire problem(!) that I was trying to slow myself. Haha, anyway, thanks for letting me know you caught that too, wasn’t sure if I was just hearing things

  • @codeenergy Feb 2022

    Appreciate the comment on our track NO. I breathe on my smoke breaks. Haha

  • @deathboy  Feb 2022

    @virallode DUDE. iOS plugs are SO CHEAP and you get the SAME FIDELITY (most the while, not these 1tb romplers, ofc) as desktop equivalents. If you want to trade app suggestions some time, hit me up, I have TEN PAGES of FOLDERS full of iOS apps :D :D

  • @virallode Feb 2022

    Oh man that's so so kind - I would love to do some soundtrack things.

    So, I'm mostly using Native Instrument stuff for sounds. The piano is from Ashlight, the drums are from another Kontakt library and that granular time stretching effect is just pushing Ableton's algorithms to hard.

    Oh and I've recently realised I can buy plug in's on IOS very cheaply so I'm using some AUV3s as send effects - Velvet Machine is my absolute favourite, like an extreme reverb convolution thing

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    I sent you important email…2 of em…but the 2nd one is slightly more important

  • @codeenergy Feb 2022

    Hey appreciate you checking out my track man. Most of my flows are meant to be out of sync. It is just how I have always written however I will say it usually sounds way cooler in my head. haha Thanks again man!

  • @engebretsen  Feb 2022

    Hey Man! Nice to see you again.

  • @sw1n3flu  Feb 2022

    Oh hey dude! Welcome back & happy FAWM 2022!

  • @djtjb Feb 2022

    I'm on a mission from God to waste people's time with arps and synth basses, and they will NEVER get that back, mwhaaahaaa. Also, I already got a few things cooking for ya if you're interested

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    Thanks lover!

  • @deathboy  Feb 2022

    Hey, amazing people! You're all genuinely fucking amazing and everybody I've collabed with, I'd love to re-up!!

    I just moved into a WILDLY hardcore new job (we make VR shit for surgeons... fuuuuuuuck) and so I'm hilariously not any where near as able to kick in this year, so I'm NOT likely to win this year, but I would HUGELY like to collab, and in particular, if you want a stupid, angry, drunk British SINGER: this is my easiest shit :D - PLEASE hit me up, this is the lowest friction for me to do, and I love to do it.

    That shit aside, I would still love to provide filthy beats and BASS but don't depend on me. SRSLY my job is ridic.

    POKE ME, MUVVALICKAZ. I will do what I can :) <3 xx

  • @virallode Feb 2022

    Hey man, praise indeed and thank you!

    Would love a collab - a teenage dream of mine was fulfilled with the one last so very up for some more

  • @nahlej381  Feb 2022

    I love you toooooo! I’m jealous your default FAWM photo is a fuzz face! Sending stuff ur way soon my friend

  • @virallode Jan 2022

    Hey man, lovely to be back

  • @looprication  Jan 2022

    Heyyyyyyyyyy ‘sup?